Fidesz: Hungary not to change its migration policy

Budapest (MTI) – However great international pressure on Hungary is, the government has no intention of changing its policy on migration either in the face of attacks or protests by civil organisations supported by US financier George Soros, the ruling Fidesz party has said.

Fidesz spokesman Balázs Hidvéghi told a news conference on Saturday that protests taking place on Hungary’s southern border at Röszke demonstrated “crystal clear” that “the organisations backed by George Soros want Hungary to change its migration policy and allow … masses of migrants into Hungary.”

Fidesz and the government are insistent on protecting the country’s national sovereignty, he said. “We won’t allow outside pressure. We will protect Hungary and the security of the Hungarian people,” the spokesman said.

Hidvéghi said actions such as today’s demonstration in Röszke aim to send the message to migrants that that they should not hesitate to break Hungarian law and enter the country illegally.

The spokesman said the series of demonstrations and “disinformation and accusations” by Soros-funded organisations are all part of the pressure placed on Hungary’s migration policy. He insisted that these organisations mount legal attacks on the Hungarian police or and the “legal border seal” with unfounded accusation and “spread lies” through civil organisations.

Answering a question concerning amending the election system, Hidveghi said that under the current law Fidesz can be beaten in the election. This is possible for anyone who wins more votes in constituencies and on party lists, he said, adding that lack of political support can be a problem but it cannot be solved by constantly looking for faults in the election system. He also said that the Venice Commission had also examined Hungary’s election law and found everything in order.

Commenting on the suggestion that former president László Sólyom said the law affecting the Central European University went against the constitution, he said Fidesz lawmakers had examined the issue of constitutionality before submitting the bill and they found it constitutional, adding that President János Áder also found it constitutional and issued a statement confirming that.

Photo: MTI

Source: MTI

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