Fidesz MEP: Withholding EU funding when there is war is “scandalous”

The time has come for the EU to make funding available that Hungary and Poland are entitled to in light of the dangerous situation connected with the war in Ukraine, Balázs Hidvéghi, an MEP of ruling Fidesz, said in Brussels on Wednesday.

“The series of attacks and threats to withhold EU funding … was unacceptable before Russia’s war against Ukraine,” Hidvéghi told Hungarian journalists, adding that such attacks in the meantime were “scandalous”.

People arriving in EU territory with the largest ever refugee wave from Ukraine are being received and assisted in central European countries, he said.

“In this situation, it is particularly important that the EU should demonstrate its political maturity,” Hidvéghi said, adding that “it is unity that is needed this time”.

Countries that receive refugees must be helped, he said, adding that “it is important that we help bring about peace with every effort”.

Hidvéghi emphasised the need to resolve the conflict through talks and to reach a ceasefire and a peace agreement as soon as possible.

“Any steps or statements that would lead to an escalation of the conflict of war must be avoided,” the Fidesz MEP said.

Source: MTI


  1. The EU has already announced that there would be separate funding allocated to countries that are in the forefront of hosting refugees. Sorry, Fidesz, without reform and in opening the books so that the EU can see in transparent way just where the money is going, you still can’t get your greedy mitts on the other pot of money (for which, by the way, there is no automatic entitlement).

  2. The Highest Court in the European Union – ruled against Hungary & Poland prior to the outbreak of this conflict of war between the Ukraine & Russia.
    Hungary & Poland – Europe & the World – told WHY – funding was not going to be made available.
    The destabilizing attitude – the rhetoric – that was coming out of Hungary & Poland somewhat of a “stand alone” or “shoulder to shoulder” – attempting to re-write the Core function & operation of the European Union – was treated by the European Court of Justice – Rightfully.
    Hungary & Poland – through there agenda of disrespect for the need of Democracy being the CORE of membership as a member of the European Union, and it being the clear & precise “style” of Government, in a country, which Hungary & Poland – continue to FAIL to fully embrace & practice – this was a Major reason, why Hungary & Poland, did not receive funding.
    There can’t be FRAGMENTATION – in the “core” of the European Union membership – centered on the word – Democracy.
    Hungary & Poland – “tried it on” or “tested it” – which the European Court of Justic ruled – firmly – that Hungary & Poland had acted in “ways” and “conduct” – that broke laws of the European Union membership.

    The MEP of the Ruling Party Fidesz in Hungary in a statement from Brussels that – ” Funding entitlements – should be made by the European Union ” – to Hungary & Poland, through the outbreak of this Russian “invasion” of the Ukraine – this statement is – Preposterous.

    The statement, centering on UNITY – by this MEP – the absolute – GALL – to tell the European Union of its need – to lead & display – UNITY, when his party Fidesz / Hungary & Poland – prior to the outbreak of this conflict of war between the Ukraine & Russia – Hungary & Poland they may to-gether have been “unified” in there agenda, but in FACT, they as country’s caused disunity & aggravation – in attempts to Divide, Fragement or “break open” – the Core, of what – under UNITY – is the Purpose of the European Union – under Democracy.

    Hungary – it is FACT – its Financial & Economic position is in Serious Trouble.
    Hungary – is in a “Wedged” position of relationships – with Russia & China.
    Brussels – know this and have LONG memories pre the outbreak of this Ukraine/Russia – conflict of war.
    European Union Members – have LONG memories – and “scores” to settle.
    Great Britain and the United States of America – know – the “Wedged” postion Hungary finds it-self.
    The Ukraine & Hungary – no “marriage made in heaven” – the history, not helped by the present Government of Hungary under Prime Minister Victor Orban pre this conflict of war – exhibiting NO great UNITY with the Ukraine.

    Hungary – go to the polls April 3rd, and these National Elections post 1989 – in there History – of the GREATEST importance for Hungary – its Future.

    The “Bail” out expected from the European Union – ain’t going to happen.
    Stand in Line – wait your turn – will be the EU response to Hungary – there are “others” ahead of you, who NEED and have remained in UNITY – with the Laws of the European Membership.

    Hungary – does it inside its Boarders have UNITY ?

  3. The only scandal I see here is the one of Orbánistan, an illiberal autocratic regime that spits on the EU ( of whom it is a member ) every second day and yet keeps begging for undeserved money from that same EU. Shame.
    About refugees, Hungary is not the only country helping refugees from Ukraine, but it is the only one whose regime is trying to exploit the situation for its own interests. Not to speak of its obvious pro-Russia position, whose criminal propaganda can be found on Hu govt media.
    Does Orbán really think we Europeans are such fools? Does he really think he can keep his foot inside of two boots, keep being Putin’s Trojan horse in the EU, and on top of it being paid for it by EU taxpayers?

  4. To Bean Counter, Trepidation, Mario and the rest of you leftists, during the previous democratic, multi political party elections under the government of Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, Gergely Szilveszter Karácsony, of the leftist, opposition (MSZP-P-DK-Momentum-LMP-MLP)’ Party, was elected Mayor of Budapest, Hungary’s largest city and Capital city. I just debunked your undemocratic claims of Hungary.

    It is related to the It was founded on 7 October 1989 as a post-communist evolution and one of two legal successors of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party (MSZMP).

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