Fidesz: Opposition Momentum MEPs working to prevent Hungary from receiving EU funds
MEPs of Hungary’s opposition Momentum have been working to prevent Hungary from receiving European Union development funds, ruling Fidesz MEP Tamás Deutsch said on Wednesday, and also suggested that Momentum was acting under instructions from Ferenc Gyurcsány, former PM and head of the Democratic Coalition (DK) party.
Referring to recent remarks by Momentum MP Miklós Hajnal, Deutsch insisted that Hajnal had admitted that MEPs Anna Donáth and Katalin Cseh were “working with all their might to prevent Hungarian citizens, teachers, municipalities, SMEs, and health providers from receiving the European funds the country is entitled to”.
Deutsch said Gyurcsány himself had earlier “boasted” that his DK party’s MEPs “invented the political conditions in legal disguise for the European Commission to blackmail Hungary”.
MEPs of Fidesz will propose an extraordinary session of parliament’s EU affairs committee to look into “the political moves by the dollar left to cause such serious, tangible losses to Hungarian citizens,” Deutsch said.
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If what is stated in this article, and I HOPE for Hungary’s FUTURE they are NOT, taking any advice nor having any contact / communication, with the former, voted out of office, leaving at that time Hungary, in a state of Financial ruination – Ferenc Gyurcsany, if this “claim” is FACT, this opposition party – Momentum are BRAINLESS.
Ferenc Gyurcsany – is totally a gargantuan NEGATIVE to any chance “Surge” forward in opposing the WRONGFULNESS of the Orban Government.
Ferenc Gyurcsany, by “association” mention of his name in the opposition to the Orban Government, is just an act of Political suicide, for which ever Political Party the name Ferenc Gyurcsany is MENTIONED.
Ferenc Gyurcsany – have the SPLEEN – the vision to RETIRE him, out of the Hungarian Political environment.
Hungarians have long memory’s and Gyurcsany – has ABSOLUTLY non existence appeal – in ATTRACTING younger voters to his FAILED Political agenda.
Hungary – wake up, you NEED a HUMONGOUS culling reduction on MASS – of what in your “floundering” or FAILING call Opposition Political Party’s.
Wake up – Hungary, the number of in-effective OPPOSTION Party’s in your Political “landscape” – that are DEVOURING each other, playing WASTEFUL in-effective Politics against each other, that this IDIOTIC practice, is FACTUALLY – FEEDING – the Orban “mob” that just remain un-opposed Politically in Hungary, running RAMPANT – taking Hungary into a place its Nadir “Black” hole that will end in a cataclysmic DISASTER.
Hungary – you are NOT being Governed as a DEMOCRACY.
Victor Mihaly Orben – is a DISTILLATION – continues as a “work in progress” to crush Democracy in Hungary.
Hungary – you know who the Orban “mob” – the Fidesz Party are in Bed with.
OPPOSE – quality of Opposition, that has a degree of solidarity written practiced into it, instead of the MESS that exists and continues to DAMAGE Hungary, having NO real in-put – no guts – no punching power, just a RABBLE of OPPOSTION Party’s – that are just “killing” off each other, and not PRACTICING what they should, and be positive in being called OPPOSTION(s).
Cull – retire off the FAILED of the past, former Prime Minister, for if Hungary don’t – the word PERILOUS grows deeper in it’s probability that is not without OCCURRING to the name – the country of Hungary.
We are a TAKER.
Fazit: our Politicians cannot function without those stupid Contributor countries wiring their hard-earned Euros to the European Union to be redistributed to the likes of us:
And then being … Disruptive, non-constructive and generally acting entitled.
“Tamás Deutsch said…suggested…insisted…”
I was hoping to see and read about some facts and evidence with sources, but I guess that’s too much to ask from Fidesz. Instead we have to listen to rumors and propaganda that Fidesz is desperately trying to spread so they can point someone else for their own shortcomings.
The globalist-socialist sleazeballs ALWAYS work against their countries’ and citizens’ interests. They are loyal to international agenda rather than domestic voters’ needs and wants. Scumbags.
Seems Fidesz has done most of that work themselves. Can’t they give themselves more credit? So humble!
Michael Steiner, speaking of sleezeballs and scumbags, what American slag you use. See you at CPAC!