VIDEO: What’s happening in Hungary? Food delivery rider on the motorway
Cycling on the motorway? Footage of a food delivery rider on a bicycle on the M0 ring road in Hungary has gone viral.
A reader of Budapesti Autósok (Budapest Motorists) captured a cyclist transporting food on his bicycle on the M0 expressway, Index reports.
The video, taken by the driver of the car behind the food delivery rider, went viral on Facebook.
Much to the dismay of the driver behind the camera, the courier did not even leave the expressway at the first exit!
“No words,” said the driver of the vehicle. He also noted that there is a cycle path not far away.
Food delivery rider on the M0 expressway
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Victor Orban – he has done it AGAIN.
Orban knew with the MASS numbers of delivery by bicycle – being gargantuan in number Chinese, the “engagement” of Chinese Police would assist when these acts of STUPIDITY occur.
That’s what you get when you import people from countries that has zero driving culture. In India, etc. you drive or ride anything from an 18-wheeler to a sedan to a rickshaw to a tricycle absolutely anywhere. No lanes, no one-way streets, no crossings, no mergings, no give-ways… – AND you do so while dodging animals–domestic, domesticated, and wild–who are roaming all over the place. The place is a absolute mess. Naturally, they bring such habits with them here and nobody bothers to set them straight. Another thing they do is talk loudly on their phones in public, including public transportation, for literally hours on end, sometimes with the other person on speaker. These people need to be given an orientation in the local culture and practices when they first come, which should be done by their sponsors.
Steiner Michael – like me, an expression I use, as did the late “Class” American actor Gregory Peck, when asked in an interview :
Mr Peck, of what Religion are You ?
Gregory Peck replied:
I was baptised into the Catholic faith, but call my-self, a “francized” Catholic, as I don’t always agree with the Pope.
Steiner Michael, your commentary very much “differs” may I say, from the Orban / Fidesz Government Party line.
My opinion, they are WRONGFULLY going about there handling of Migration/Immigration, that will divide, deepen in division & separation, cause fragmentation and possible Political un-rest within the population of Hungary.
I wish for a VIBRANT under DEMOCRACY process for the next General Elections in Hungary.
My “Francized” position, in my support of the present Government, remains under growing DURESS.
The SALVATION of my longevity in support of the present Orban / Fidesz-Government, is, as I have used this platform on numerous occasions, the RABBLE of what is called OPPOSITION to Government Political Party’s in Hungary.
“Hot as Hades” – the internal Political “scene” in Hungary, through just not internal population “rumbles” of concern under the Orban / Fidesz Government, but the PRESSURIZATION mounting outside of Hungary from Brussels, and Globally on the Orban / Fidesz Government, through the Orban “path” of the DISTILLATION of Democracy in Hungary, the “surging” relationship(s) being GROWN by the Orban / Fidesz Government, with Russia & China that as a “Francized” supporter of Fidesz, it’s all growing in TESTING me, through the DEMISE – the dismissal, from the “original” – Creed of Fidesz – to be conducted, as a Political Party under DEMOCRACY.
Democracy – I think a quote from one of my Hero’s still “hangs on” in the core of my being – JUST :
Sir Winston Spencer. Churchill said :
“Democracy is the worse form of Government, except for ALL other form.”