Gift ideas for an unusual Christmas
There is no doubt: this year’s Christmas is going to be different. We are full of uncertainties, full of question marks. We wonder if we will be able to spend the holidays with our loved ones at all. We would not like to encourage you to get used to the worst-case scenario just yet – quite the opposite: like everything else, the current situation has a good side, too. We just have to find it and concentrate on this side.
How will Christmas preparations be different?
As we enter this second period of new restrictions and who knows what else is to come, life might slow down a little bit – this is one possibility. This would be kind of ironic since normally the Advent period is when everyone goes cray-cray with all the Christmas preparations, trying to organise everything, get the whole family together, and find that perfect present for all the loved ones. Trying so hard for everything to be perfect, we tend to lose the true spirit of Christmas, which – however cheesy this might sound – is love. If we will have to spend more time in our homes, we can use this period to sit back a little bit, call our family and friends, and let them know we care. Small gestures do wonders.
Another possibility is that instead of slowing down, people go even crazier. Holidays like Christmas should be about lovely time spent together with family, but we know the preparations cause a lot of stress for some people, and this year, no doubt, it would be a lot more difficult – impossible even – to try to make everything perfect. We also know people handle stress differently. Plus, taking into consideration the stress stemming from what’s going on around the world, the trouble could be doubled.
Either way, we should try to adapt to the situation, learn to live with the idea that this will be an unusual Christmas, and try to make the most of it.
If you are lucky and close to your loved ones, it is always a good idea to invite each other over. Share a dinner, cook together (we have nice recipe ideas for you), and share thoughts over some mulled wine. If you are not that lucky and might have to spend the holidays far away from them, there are still options for you to get in touch and express your love, let people know you think about them, and make them smile for a second or so.
Below, we collected gift ideas you can surprise your loved ones with, even from a distance. Our planet deserves love, too, so the list is compiled of sustainable and ethical brands, which makes it even more special.
Custom rubber stamps to stamp your favourite items or important letters and books.
Matyódesign: the Hungarian matyó embroidery shares traditional values with the modern world. All products are handmade in a small Hungarian village called Tard.
Tomcsanyi: special fashion pieces with unique patterns made in Hungary.
Planethics: an ethical fashion and home accessories brand from the heart of Hungary.
Ursuslupus: all kinds of zero waste stuff you could need, made with love.
Müskinn: bags made in Hungary, 90% from Hungarian ingredients.
Tipton Eyewear: high-quality glasses made from recycled vinyl records.
Milli and Bro: premium quality for the little ones, too.
Featured image: Pixabay