Google launches cycle route planner in Hungary

After almost three years of preparations, Google has launched its cycle route planner app in Hungary, Máriusz Révész, government commissioner for an active Hungary, told a press conference on Tuesday.

Révész noted that the app has been created in cooperation with the foreign ministry, cycling NGOs and Hungarian public road administration companies.

The route planner covers all of Budapest’s cycle routes and around 80 percent of routes elsewhere in the country,

Pál Bíro, the head of Google’s Hungarian unit, said, adding that all routes nationwide will soon be included.

The cycle routes are shown on Google planner’s standard app alongside pedestrian and public transport options, he said. The planner also indicates any activities or circumstances that may block cycle paths while providing guidance on which are the easier routes, he added.

Hungary is one of the first countries in the region in which the app is being launched.

As we wrote before, Budapest and Prague: the most cycling-friendly cities in Eastern Europe, but still playing catch up to Western European counterparts, read details.

Source: MTI

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