Here are the TOP10 richest and most impoverished settlements in Hungary!
Despite the increase in average earnings, the total net income per capita in the poorest settlements is approximately 2.5 times lower than in the wealthiest Hungarian cities. By way of comparison, here are the rankings of the richest and poorest settlements in Hungary!
According to the freshest data of the Central Statistical Office, the median salary in Hungary is currently EUR 930, which is 9.3% higher than in the same period last year. Still, there are several concerns about the significant income polarisation of social groups that can be best proven by the fact that the proportion of the middle class has been declining for years. In contrast, the proportion of the upper, upper-middle and lower-income classes shows a continuous increase in Hungary.
As the Hungarian news portal Pénzcentrum reports, this phenomenon can also be traced geographically. Accordingly, Hungary’s seven regions based on the total net income per capita can be ranked as follows:
- Central Hungary (EUR 4,422/year/person)
- Central Transdanubia (EUR 4,121/year/person)
- Western Transdanubia (EUR 3,719/year/person)
- Northern Hungary (EUR 3,276/year/person)
- Southern Great Plain (EUR 3,240/year/person)
- Northern Great Plain (EUR 3,135/year/person)
- Southern Transdanubia (EUR 3,132/year/person)
The ranking clearly shows that the first three regions – Central Hungary, Central Transdanubia and Western Transdanubia – significantly exceeds the regions of the Great Plain and Southern Transdanubia in terms of total net income per capita.
Read also: Salary report reveals a shocking gap between Budapest and Hungary’s eastern regions
However, the difference is even more remarkable if we compare income levels by state administration districts instead of the regional breakdown. Based on recent statistics,
in the wealthiest settlements, the total net income per capita is approximately 2.5 times higher than in the poorest Hungarian cities,
as well a much lower unemployment rate can be observed in the more prosperous settlements. This can be explained by the fact that the good standard of living in a settlement is closely connected to the proportion of the working population living there that leads to higher relative well-being. Numerically, this means an unemployment rate below 3% in wealthier districts, or not even reaching 1% like in the case of Csorna. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate in the poorest Hungarian settlements is above 10% or can even exceed 15% – reported by Pénzcentrum.
Based on the total net income per capita, these are the TOP10 most prosperous settlements in Hungary:
Settlement Total net income per capita
- Budakeszi (Central Hungary) EUR 4,989/year/person
- Dunakeszi (Central Hungary) EUR 4,954/year/person
- Győr (Western Transdanubia) EUR 4,696/year/person
- Székesfehérvár (Central Transdanubia) EUR 4,610/year/person
- Paks (Southern Transdanubia) EUR 4,574/year/person
- Érd (Central Hungary) EUR 4,566/year/person
- Komárom (Central Transdanubia) EUR 4,555/year/person
- Mór (Central Transdanubia) EUR 4,490/year/person
- Gödöllő (Central Hungary) EUR 4,464/year/person
- Pilisvörösvár (Central Hungary) EUR 4,461/year/person
By way of comparison, see the ranking of the poorest Hungarian settlements below:
- Csenger (Northern Great Plain) EUR 2,199/year/person
- Kunhegyes (Northern Great Plain) EUR 2,221/year/person
- Cigánd (Northern Hungary) EUR 2,229/year/person
- Vásárosnamény (Northern Great Plain) EUR 2,233/year/person
- Fehárgyarmat (Northern Great Plain) EUR 2,234/year/person
- Gönc (Northern Hungary) EUR 2,321/year/person
- Ózd (Northern Hungary) EUR 2,400/year/person
- Bácsalmás (Southern Great Plain) EUR 2,402/year/person
- Kistelek (Southern Great Plain) EUR 2,420/year/person
- Encs (Northern Hungary) EUR 2,449/year/person