Here is what people think about the USA’s “pro-war” billboard campaign in Hungary
A vast majority of Hungarians favour boosting or maintaining Hungary’s current relations with the United States, but also find the billboard campaign supported by the US embassy unacceptable, according to a fresh survey by the Nézőpont Institute.
Billboard campaing unacceptable
Altogether 40 percent of the survey’s respondents said they wanted stronger ties between Hungary and the US, while 26 percent favoured maintaining the current level of bilateral relations, according to a summary of the survey’s findings published on Nézőpont’s website. This, however, does not necessarily mean that they agree with the Biden administration, the think-tank said, pointing out that 59 percent of respondents opposed the US embassy’s recently-launched billboard campaign. Nézőpont found that 38 percent of opposition voters said they found Washington’s campaign unacceptable.
The US embassy’s billboard campaign: the inscription says that there will only be peace if the Russian invaders leave Ukraine.
Hungarians want close ties with the USA
Fully 16 percent said they favoured looser ties between Hungary and the US. The survey found that 33 percent of those who support the prime minister and 50 percent of those critical of him wanted to strengthen relations with the US. Meanwhile, 29 percent of the prime minister’s supporters and 23 percent of his critics said they were satisfied with the current state of bilateral ties. Altogether 18 percent of government supporters and 8 percent of opposition sympathisers said Hungary should loosen relations with the US. While a majority of respondents said they were against the billboard campaign backed by the US embassy, 26 percent said they found it “somewhat acceptable”.
Among those who favour stronger ties with the US, there was an even split of perceptions of the campaign, with 43 percent saying they found it acceptable and the same percentage finding it unacceptable. Fully 68 percent of those who want to maintain the current level of relations opposed the campaign, while 25 percent found it acceptable. Altogether 88 percent of those who want to loosen bilateral ties had a negative view of the campaign, and just 8 percent said it was acceptable.
A total of 82 percent of the prime minister’s supporters found the embassy’s campaign unacceptable as against 10 percent of them who said it was acceptable. Altogether 45 percent of opposition supporters said they were in favour of the campaign, while 38 percent were critical of it. Nézőpont conducted its representative survey of 1,000 adults by phone from April 17 to 19.
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Consider, if you will, the breathtaking effrontery of a country launching an advertising blitz in another country, halfway around the world, encouraging the latter to go headlong into a devastating war. I don’t know whether to laugh, cry, bristle, or what… “Outrageous” doesn’t begin to describe it!
Oh Mikey, consider, if you will, the president of Hungary going to CPAC in the U. S. and bashing the U. S. president. Your hypocracy is stunning.
1,000 people were asked, surely that must be enough 😉 to make us think that that is the way the majority of us think. Come on people!
Wat geeft de VS het recht om zich te bemoeien met de interne keuken van een bevriende natie??! Volgens mijn bescheiden mening wordt het de hoogste tijd dat Hongarije de Amerikaanse ambassadeur op het matje roept!? Het is trouwens niet de eerste maal dat mijnheer Pressman zich als een provocateur gedraagt! Er bestaat nog altijd zoiets als wederzijds respect? Ik heb de indruk dat wat dit betreft het enkel richtings verkeer is….
Dear Hugo,
Please see my comment above and note the article about the MP “performance” at the Heritage Foundation in the U.S. this week!
Victor’s Closet
Victor’s Closet has hit the nail on the head. Orban has openly called for Trump to be president and repeatedly travelled to the US to attend conservative functions. The billboard campaign has only drawn a comparison between Hungary in 1956 and Ukraine today. It has not in any way told Hungarians what they should do. Hungarians better shape up soon because this Fidesz love affair with Putin and Russia is going to lead to further and further isolation from Europe and the US. Quite frankly Hungary deserves to be kicked out of NATO and replaced with Ukraine as a member.
A much less offensive billboard than the government billboard that likens sanctions on Russia to bombs on Hungary. This when our neighbor is actually being destroyed by Russia. What kind of person would create such a shallow and self-absorbed, whiny ad campaign. Makes Hungarians look like the ultimate snowflakes.