How to improve your value as a business leader
If you feel like you are stuck in a professional rut because, at least in part, you are undervalued as a business leader, it’s time to take charge. There are a number of things you can do to enhance your value as a business leader and make yourself a much more attractive prospective hire for any business. Read on to find out more.
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What Are the Most Important Skills for a Business Leader to Have?
- Communication: Arguably the most important skill for any business leader to have is good communication. If you aren’t able to communicate effectively, you will be limited in your effectiveness as a business leader. Of all the skills that you need to develop in order to succeed as a business leader, communication is both the most important and the most difficult to master. Good communication is not just about being able to explain things clearly to your workers; good communication also involves being able to listen to them when they have things to tell you. If you aren’t a confident communicator, then addressing this should be your top priority as far as improving your value as a business leader is concerned.
- Motivation: If you aren’t able to stay motivated as a business leader, then you can’t expect the people that work beneath you to be able to maintain their own drive. As a leader, you need to be inspiring all of those you are responsible for to aim as high as they can at all times. If you aren’t able to do this, then you are missing out on one of the most important aspects of being an effective business leader.
- Delegation: One other function of a business leader is to ensure that the best people are handling every task. By delegating work properly, managers enable their teams to work with maximum possible efficiency to achieve their goals as soon as possible. In order to effectively delegate work, you need to have a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the people you will be delegating it to. Assigning people work that does not match up with their abilities makes it difficult for them to perform while also slowing down your team as a whole.
- Receptive to feedback: Listening is a vital part of communication; a good business leader needs to be able to hear feedback as well as give it. Not only this but when feedback is worth acting upon, a good business leader should have no fear of taking that advice on board. A willingness to listen to other people and respond to their feedback is what separates the best managers out there from the rest of them. In the long-term, being capable of recognising and addressing your own flaws and weaknesses is essential if you want to be able to pursue the most lucrative management positions.
- Responsible and trustworthy: If your workers do not have complete confidence in you, you are going to find it a lot harder to lead them effectively. Workers need to have complete faith that the person they are following has their best interests and the best interests of their business at heart. Without this trust and respect in place, you are going to have a hard time eliciting the kind of compliance that you need in order to implement truly transformative changes within a business. If you are looking for a way to enhance your value as a business leader, then anything you can do to inspire greater confidence is worth pursuing. For example, if you are willing to pursue new degrees or qualifications on your own initiative, this will demonstrate your commitment to both workers and employers.
How Can You Improve Your Leadership Skills?
- Take on new projects: They say that practice makes perfect, and this is just as true in the world of business as anywhere else. One of the best things that you can do to improve your value as a business leader and encourage other people to take you more seriously is to snap up any new opportunities for self-improvement that come your way. The more willing you are to volunteer for special projects and put yourself forward for any work that needs doing, the more it will demonstrate to others that you are leadership material. Be willing to take on new challenges whenever the opportunity arrives – not only will this demonstrate your commitment, but it will also provide you with the opportunities you need to develop your existing skills.
- Know when to defer to others: As a leader, it is essential that you are able to spot talent and achievements in other people. If you become absorbed entirely in yourself and your side of things at the expense of those around you, you will pay the price for it in reduced morale across the board. Just because you are the most senior member of a team, that doesn’t mean that you are the most skilled or the best suited for any given task. Knowing when more junior staff are better than you and when they have more to offer is an important part of being an effective leader. This isn’t just about showing that you can be humble; choosing the best person for any given task will ensure that you get the best results as often as possible. If you let your own hubris or ego get in the way of that, you will pay for it in an inferior end result.
- Learn to see the bigger picture: Making the right leadership decisions means that you have to consider all of the relevant angles. For many business decisions, there will be a large number of variables to consider simultaneously. This can be a challenge for even the most adept business person. If you want to perform better as a business leader, try to make a point of considering factors beyond the most immediate when you are making business decisions. You should constantly be updating your business plan in response to events. Whenever you do add to your plans, ensure that your goals are taking into account the bigger picture.
- Study a business and management degree: For aspiring business leaders, the question of which university degree to pursue has long been a controversial one. The MBA degree is probably the best-known business degree, but it is by no means the only game in town these days. There are other popular options for students, including the doctorate of business administration and a business and management degree. No matter what your long-term professional goals are, there are now the degree options available that can help you achieve just about anything.
Business management degrees have rapidly gained popularity in recent years as a more modern alternative to the conventional MBA course. Aston University Online has a fantastic article highlighting exactly why studying for a business management degree is an excellent way of learning some valuable leadership skills.
- Learn from your successes and failures: Everything that a manager does is dependent upon their ability to learn from their mistakes. No one gets everything right the first time; there are always refinements to be made and lessons to be learned. As a business leader, it is your responsibility to ensure that all the appropriate lessons are learned and that the resultant conclusions are disseminated appropriately amongst workers. Without an effective and respected leader in place, businesses are likely to miss out on these important lessons and the vital learning opportunities they represent.
If you want to sharpen your own leadership skills, then always be on the lookout for opportunities to evaluate your previous work and to formulate new approaches based on your conclusions. Even if you aren’t in a position to implement your predictions for real, you can still make a note of them and see if they are accurate based on what actually happens. You should always be evaluating yourself and making a note of your successes and failures after every single campaign or another professional endeavour you are involved in. Depending on whether your predictions are accurate and your proposed plans are borne out by subsequent events, you might be vindicated, you might not. In either case, you can refine your strategy for learning from success and failure.
Why Should You Invest in Your Own Value as an Entrepreneur?
Investing in your own value is worth it for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it will enable you to command a higher salary in job negotiations. If you want to be able to dictate terms to future employers, you need to be able to demonstrate that you are talented enough to justify it. Without investing time and money in your own personal development, there is no way that you are going to be able to stand out enough to the top of any industry.
Investing in your own value under your own initiative also shows your current employer both that you have untapped potential, and that you are worth fighting for. If an employer sees that you are gaining knowledge and skills on the side of your own volition, they will not want to lose access to you as an employee. By striving to improve your value as a business leader, you might incite your existing employer to offer you better terms.
If you wait for other people to invest in you, you will be waiting a long time to advance. Instead of waiting for opportunities to come to you, start making your own opportunities and working to enhance your value on your own initiative.