Hungarian celebs humbled to the dust an 8-year-old Colombian boy – probe started

The Hungarian version of the original British TV show “I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!” is one of the most popular of its kind in Hungary. However, it seems the two anchormen, Jani Vadon and Balázs Sebestyén, went too far in “entertaining” their viewers. In the Tuesday episode, they humbled an 8-year-old Colombian boy to the dust by even mocking him with his weight. Read the details below.
The TV show started to air its newest episodes on 17 October. This time, the Hungarian celebrities travelled to Colombia to carry out tasks in the jungle, spending their time in a nomadic environment. However, in the Tuesday episode, it was not only them who experienced some awkward moments, but also an only 8-year-old Colombian boy.
The two anchormen, Jani Vadon and Balázs Sebestyén agreed to send some letters to the players. However, since they were “lazy” to do so themselves, they wanted to entrust a local boy who would carry out the task “enthusiastically”, wrote.

They introduced Pedro, who, of course, could not speak Hungarian. Nevertheless, Jani Vadon started asking whether he knew he was his father. However, he did not stop there. “Do you know that if you continue to devour doughnuts for ten years, you will be 150 kilos by the time you reach 16, don’t you?”, he asked the overweight boy.
After the episode, a Hungarian citizen turned to the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (Nemzeti Média- és HÃrközlési Hatósághoz, NMHH), and the body started a probe into the issue. They told that their investigation is in progress. If there was a violation of the law, they would decide about the applicable legal consequences.

The body has already fined the two Hungarian anchormen for HUF 1.25 million (EUR 3057) for their inappropriate remarks on the television, and the radio shows they host. According to a resume, they have been fined more than 60 times in the last 13 years.
Several celebrities, musicians, etc., expressed their condemnation towards the two Hungarian anchormen, so Jani Vadon apologised for what he did in the Tuesday episode on Wednesday. A Hungarian tabloid,, said that, based on their sources, the RTL Klub, running the TV show, believes the issue is over after the apology. Moreover, they punished Jani Vadon by making him clean the toilets of the celebrities performing in the show.
HEREÂ you may watch Jani Vadon’s apology.
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