Hungarian diving instructor took part in filming new Avatar movie, here are some behind-the-scenes secrets

A Hungarian diving instructor took part in the filming of the new Avatar movie. Now, she reveals what it was like to work with James Cameron and other behind-the-scenes secrets!

Szilvia, a Hungarian scuba diving stuntwoman

A Hungarian scuba diving stuntwoman also took part in the filming of the new Avatar movie. Szilvia Gőgh was taking care of the safety of the crew members during the filming of the wet scenes, reports. The Hungarian woman has lived in the United States for 22 years and fell in love with scuba diving as a teenager. Over the past decades, she has assisted many of the world’s stars on water shoots, but she admits that the greatest experience of her life was Avatar.

Working with James Cameron…

This was because she had wanted to work with James Cameron, the director of the movie, with whom he had been in daily contact during the current project. Speaking to Fókusz, a Hungarian television programme, Szilvia said that she was pleasantly surprised with Cameron. She thinks he is the best person to tell her what she wants to see. “He tells you specifically, down to the centimetre, what he wants and where”.

For several years, they worked on the sequel to Avatar in a pool almost 8 metres deep in Manhattan Beach. The diver-stunt says the conditions were very special. The pool was full of windows, but they were not only filmed from the outside, but also from the inside. They were also able to make eddies and surfable waves in the pool.

…and the one she loved working with the most

Sigourney Weaver
Sigourney Weaver. Source: Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore

Szilvia also revealed which member of the crew she enjoyed working with the most:

“Sigourney Weaver is my favourite, I have to say that. Working with her was a dream come true. As much as she’s a star, she’s not in the prima donna category. She takes everything so seriously, she’s always where she needs to be on time. She is always listening with reverence to what we ask or tell her. She always wants to do everything to the best of her ability, and she’s so skilled, she’s such a good actress,”

Szilvia said.

Source:, Fókusz

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