Hungarian festival guide: which are cancelled and which will be held in 2021?

The festival season of 2020 was like no other. With the exception of some smaller festivals under 500 participants towards the end of the season, almost all festivals were cancelled after the novel coronavirus has hit the world.
Thanks to the rapid development of the coronavirus vaccines, 2021 may be a bit better than 2020 was, but it will still not be as busy as 2019 and before. Szeretlekmagyarország have created a really detailed guide about this year’s festival season which can shed some light on this Summer’s music scene in Hungary. The government has not said anything about easing the measures concerning large events, but many hope that once Hungary vaccinates 5 million people, those measures will be eased.
Sziget, VOLT, Balaton Sound
Unfortunately, all of them are cancelled for the second time in a row. The latter two were already cancelled in March and Sziget was cancelled early May. Szeretlekmagyarország reports that the reasons mainly were uncertainties concerning travel, catering and the role of the immunity certificate. These uncertainties not only make inviting large names to such festivals hard, fans can also have a hard time reaching their destination. Complying with the current epidemiological measures and inspecting certificates and test results at such a large scale is also very demanding and the time seems to have been not enough.
Fishing on Orfű
The organisers have marked two possible dates for the festival and let their fans decide which would it be. The majority of fans decided that the later August date was more appropriate than the early and formerly usual June one.
As all of the performers have accepted the later date as well, the current program will not be changed and it is possible that the festival will be held, unless the fourth wave hits Hungary. If you already have a ticket, you have nothing to do, Szeretlekmagyarország reported.
According to current plans, this festival will be held, but at a different date than usual. If everything goes well, it will be held between the 11th and 15th of August, at the date of the Sziget festival. Although be prepared to comply with possible coronavirus measures, such as wearing masks.
Valley of Arts (Művészetek Völgye)
Szeretlekmagyarország reports that it will be held between the 23rd of July and the 1st of August. Natália Oszkó-Jakab, the director of the festival said that the size of the festival depends on vaccination drive. It will certainly not reach numbers like in 2019, but she said that even a small, 500 participant festival was a salvation.
This will be held, even though it will be smaller than it was before the pandemic. The organisers aim to establish a small, home party-like festival. There will only be Hungarian bands this year. As usual, visitors will have opportunities to immerse themselves in the current Hungarian culture as well as theatre and fine arts.
Campus Festival
The organisers have informed the fans on their official Facebook page that the final decision will be made at the end of May. Whether Campus Festival will be held depends on the decision of the Hungarian government concerning large events. For those who already have a ticket can decide after the announcement of the full programme, whether to ask for a refund in the first half of June, use their ticket this year, or postpone it and use their tickets in 2022.
This year, only Hungarian bands will perform.
The organisers officially cancelled it on the 4th of May, but according to Szeretlekmagyarország, the organisers will launch a concert series called LIGET with the participation of Hungarian bands.
As with many other festivals, the date is postponed much later than usual. The festival will be held between the 11th and 14 of August, but contrary to other festivals, they are planning on inviting foreign bands as well.
Just like many other organisers, the uncertainty of the exact regulations remains an uncertainty, but they plan to held the festival in the first half of July, between the 13th and the 17th. Szeretlekmagyarország reported that if the Hungarian epidemiological measures make the festival possible, the organisers will be ready.
If the Hungarian restrictions allow it, the festival will be held between the 3rd and 7th of August with Hungarian bands, such as the 21-year-old 30Y, reported Szeretlekmagyarország.
Their official announcement will be given in the second half of May, but it seems that, just like many other organisers, that they are hopeful about this year’s returning festival season. According to Szeretlekmagyarország, the lead organiser said that they have agreed with the bands, suppliers and subcontractors, so if they get a green light, everything will be ready for visitors.
Source: Szeretlekmagyarorszá