Hungarian foreign minister snaps back at US Ambassador

Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said on Thursday that the US ambassador in Hungary – or any other ambassador for that matter – had no business interfering in Hungary’s domestic affairs.

In response to a question concerning recent remarks by US Ambassador David Pressman, Szijjártó told a press conference held on a different subject: “Hungary is a sovereign country and nobody can tell us from the outside how we should live.”

Commenting on Pressman’s comments to Politico that “Political leaders in the government of Hungary often speak of promoting peace, but – from condemning sanctions to embracing Russian ‘cease-fire’ proposals – they continue to push policies endorsed by Putin,” Szijjártó said it was “of no interest” what Pressman or any ambassador thought about domestic political trends in Hungary.

“If he wants to use his stay in Hungary to pass judgment on the activities of a government which has been elected by a significant majority of Hungarians … then he will have a very difficult job in terms of working successfully to improve cooperation between the two countries,” he said, highlighting the importance of mutual respect.

“We do not receiving governors or procurators … sent here to say how we should lead our lives,” he said. “That era is over,” he added.

Szijjártó said it was up to Hungarian voters to decide whether the government was doing a good job or not, and they would pass judgment in the next general election, as they had done unambiguously in past years, he said.

Szijjártó said the government’s foreign policy was guided purely by national interests and the wish for peace to return to Ukraine as soon as possible.

“Attempts have been made from abroad, unsuccessfully, to install a government in Hungary that does not represent the national interest,” the minister said. “I might add that the significant amount of money that has been mobilised for this purpose has not turned out to be a good investment,” he added.

Source: MTI


  1. When Pressman came to Hungary he was greeted with a nasty personal insult on the Danube. At the same time, Victor has traveled to the United States during the last election cycle to actively campagne, in person, in Texas, against the current sitting U.S. president. This is a direct injection of the Hungarian president into U.S.politics. Who paid for that trip, us? The Hungarian embassador to the U.S. is constantly hosting events that are attended only by the extreme right wing in his official residence in Washington. This is direct interference in the U.S. politics. So, grow up Peter, if you can not feel the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Clean your own up before you accuse others. Another round of “what aboutism”.

  2. Hungary has never interfered in American anything. The United States government, on the other hand, has overthrown governments all over the world and destroyed many countries in the process. One Hungarian psychopath and his foundation has interfered in the United States (and other countries) and that’s George Soros. Hungary was smart to move to contain his demonic influence.

    As for the US Ambassador: The US Department of State has infiltrated with Marxists for decades and acts as a front the CIA. All working in the American embassy, in Hungary, should be viewed as subversives and spies. In America, most of us don’t trust any them and see them as traitors so there is no reason that Hungary should trust them, either.

  3. This is ANOTHER very GLOBAL public exhibition, not just to Hungarians, but the European Union and NATO, Great Britain and Global country’s of the world, governed under DEMOCRACY, the MASSIVE rift and separation/division factually occurring between Hungary and the United Sates of America.
    Victor Orban the catalyst, the PROMOTER – who ignited this deepening EROSION of relationships with the United States of America, prior even, to his GLOBAL broadcast – FOOLISHLY – in support of the “Infamous” former President of the United States of America – Donald J. Trump, that sees his Party’s “Fall Guy” – the Foreign Minister of Hungary, just “Piling” on, playing right into the hands of the United States of America, that in the end there can be just one Big Winner and that will be America.
    America is “baiting” – Victor Orban and his Government, who continue to ” fight fire with fire” – as America, know very precisely the Orban agenda and his Political style, his rhetoric – and that he, as a Prime Minister – Orban, a country structurally collapsing, the BURDENS force of a rapidly declining Financial & Economic functionality of Hungary, that sees he Victor Orban and his Government, in a paralyzed cornered position, isolated, abandoned by the European Union and Great Britain, and all Global country’s under Democratic rule, that just leaves FRIENDSHIPS with Russia & China, under Communistic Governments, the way of the FUTURE – being lead under Victor Orban that he is DRIVING Hungary.
    America – retaliation from Victor Orban,it has reached somewhat a CRISIS point, will witnessed HEAVIER objections – RIGHTFULLY, to the Orban political ideas & philosophy, that sees the ROAD he sends Hungary ceasing being ruled and governed under Democracy, but returning to Communistic form of Government.

  4. No one needs look any farther then the US role in Ukraine. 8 years of Biden being the point man during the BO years and now as president is a joke.
    Maybe the last guy doesn’t know the EU lost billions when the UK couldn’t get out fast enough from the fools at the EU. The conservative movement is not funded by the taxpayers. Never in my 80 years did I ever see gestapo like raids on private citizens including former president. If trump was president the war never would have started, but because of the Trump hate by 90% of the MSm the killing will go on while spending Billions.

  5. You don’t get to be a Biden ambassador without a agenda- what do you know a bout this guy. The biggest threat to the US according to the FBI – DOJ and president are anyone who didn’t vote for him. That includes white males especially of Europe decent.
    The Top admiral in the military main agenda is free Trans surgery for the troops. The Biden gang demands CRT for the youngest children. They will be demanding the Hungarian medical system get on board. Don’t think they have forgot about LGBTBS that Hungary was subjected to along with EU playing its part. How dare it have another take on the situation. One election away for Blow jobs for kids will be mandatary for young kids as it is in many schools in the US. Keep telling yourself it al crazy. The teachers Unions are the biggest power in the DNC along with Soros and the Krypto Kid the biggest money. You need more killings here – the hourly killing in the US can’t be matched, but you would be racist if mentioned – disversity is key to every thing to this gang.

  6. GEEE TM, you sound just like a crazy MEGA person like Tucker Carlson, Trump, that Greene person etc. Stay on your side of the Atlantic, we do not want your hate and propaganda here.

  7. I am in Canada. My great grandparents came to Canada from Hungary in 1902.

    I agree with much independent journalism opinion that the Russia-Ukraine war is a US opportunity for a proxy war with Russia through Ukraine as US proxy. USA allows Ukrainians to sacrifice and suffer for purpose of wearing Russia down, weakening Russia. Hah! When Russia trots out its parade of weapons and military might, its legions of marching forces on Russian May Day, well, I hardly think it likely that Ukraine can wear Russia down no matter how much American taxpayers are bled of monetary handouts and weaponry doled out to Ukraine each time poor Zelensky comes humbly begging., Some are even speculating 70% of those armaments never reach Ukraine – I can’t quote the basis for that but billions of $$ worth of aid and weaponry that never reached Afghanistan, now known to have been intercepted by by profiteering gangsters, makes one suspicious, could be happening again. The US commercial-military complex is rejoicing, however, with its stockholders.

    Prolonging the Ukr-US war is a criminal act on suffering Ukrainians who cannot possibly win this conflict. It really does not seem that sanctions have hurt Russia. China has taken up the slack. There is a market for Russian oil for China’s ammunition factories, not to mention the billions of autos congesting the 40-lane freeways of Chinese mega cities. America has driven the Russians into the arms of China. The only solution is a forced diplomatic solution, aid ceases, fighting ceases and they come to the table immediately and do not leave until there is a diplomatic solution – no more senseless loss of young lives, soldiers, civilians, children, and no more destruction of Ukrainian homes, schools, hospitals. War is the occupation of apes with suits on (apologies to the apes). We are humans, educated, many professing faith in God, living in the 21st Century. It is time to rise to our enlightened humanity. Putin can think about that, too.

    I do not like criticism of Orban. He possibly sees the handwriting on the wall, why should he support EU folly when it is clear to him that NATO might be faced with nuclear confrontation – figure that!. Does anyone think Putin has any intention of losing an armed conflict with little Ukraine?

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