Hungarian influencer Fiona Bones tells us what it is like living in the U.S.

Everyone has heard about the American Dream, and many have fantasised about living it. But is it really the way one would imagine? The way it is portrayed in movies? Fiona Bones, a Hungarian girl who moved to the States just before starting eighth grade, tells her story in her newest YouTube video.

Fiona starts the video by apologising to her non-Hungarian-speaking audience in English, before switching to Hungarian, as she has been spammed with comments begging her to make a video in just Hungarian.

She has made videos about Hungary before, introducing her friend, Gabby, to Hungarian culture, food and language. But this time, she finally tells the story about just how she ended up in the USA in her latest video.

Her mother won a green card to the States when Fiona was in 7th grade, and within a few months, they packed their lives up into six suitcases and flew across the globe to start anew.

She explains the difference in the school systems since she had to finish school there. She says the grades are different, the US not only having an elementary school and high school, but also a middle school – which is 6th to 8th grade. In the States, pupils also have the same class at the same time every day, while in Hungary the schedules are different each day of the week. American students also go from class to class, while here, the teacher comes to the class’s room.

She adds that she feels like it is way easier to fit in if one moves there as a child than as an adult because school makes an easy place to make new friends.

Even though Fiona started her video by saying that the US is nothing like you see in the movies, she does admit that kids do take the yellow buses to school.

She goes on to talk about traffic and public transportation. While she lived in Budapest, she never would have thought that she would ever need to drive, but she says that you cannot go anywhere without a car in the States because everything is far apart. She lives in California and says there are no trams or subways, there are only buses, but they only go once an hour.

In the USA, one can get their driver’s license at 16-years-old. They get their permit at 15 and a half, learn to drive for half a year, then have to pass two tests. Fiona says they need to know way less than in Hungary, and that there are so much fewer traffic signs stateside.

Fiona goes on to talk about money. She says that despite the wages and salaries being higher, so is the cost of living. A one-bedroom apartment costs about $1400 (420,000 HUF) a month, and then there is insurance to pay and groceries to have, and maybe even go out sometimes.

Her next topic is – somewhat surprisingly – coupons. Fiona mentions something she has not liked about the US ever since she moved there: tax is not included in the prices in shops, restaurants, etcetera. So if she goes to McDonald’s, and buy a $1 hamburger, she actually has to pay $1.25 because of the added tax. She says that there are a lot of poor people there, and so many use coupons when shopping – there are even reality TV shows about the extremes some coupon users will go to. She demonstrates a few coupon books she has at hand and exchanges the prices from dollars to forints, so Hungarian viewers can better understand.

After a thorough explanation and demonstration of coupons, Fiona switches to talk about work. She says the better your education, the better jobs you can get. She also says that applying for jobs is very easy, one can do it without even leaving the house. There are websites where employers post available positions, the salary and what knowledge is required, and if interested, one can just send them an e-mail with their resume, and if the potential employer likes them, they get called into an interview.

Fiona – after adorably stumbling over her Hungarian and having some trouble translating – goes on to explain credit scores, which are very important in the US, especially in case of a big purchase, such as a car or a new place to live. When one wants to make such a purchase, their credit score will be checked, and if it is not good enough, they will not be able to buy the thing they desire. The higher the score, the better. “Just make sure you pay in time whenever you buy something with your credit card, and your score will not drop,” Fiona advises.

“Three important things to know in America,” Fiona starts. “Kinder Surprise Eggs are illegal because all food that has something hidden inside can’t be imported here. And if you do bring some here, they will take it and you’ll even get a fine. Because for some reason kids here will bite into the egg and suffocate from the toy. I never understood this.”

The other two are tipping, which she says you should always do whenever you go out to eat in a restaurant, and that you can turn right at a red light, as long as you stop, look around and make sure no one is coming.

She finishes her video by admitting that she first thought it would all be like a vacation and that they would not stay there forever. She talks a bit about living there as an immigrant, the differences between immigrants who moved there as children as opposed to as adults. Fiona playfully adds that there is no TúróRudi or pálinka there and wraps her video up. “Eat lots of TúróRudi because not everyone has the chance!”

Here is the video in Hungarian:

Funny video about Hungarian words 🙂

Source: Daily News Hungary


  1. A kedves írónő szövegértési problémákkal küzd? Fiona NEM MAGYAR!!!! Mielőtt büszkén leír valamit nem ártana újrahallgatni és ertelmelmezni.

  2. Így van! ahogy az előttem szóló írta. Fiona nem magyar! 7 évesen költöztek Magyarországra, 14 évesen költöztek ki Amerikába. Ír, és Olasz vér csörgedezik benne.

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