Hungarian minister met with the leader of the Hungarian-hater, far-right SNS in Slovakia

Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, paid a visit to Slovakia on Monday. He met with his Slovakian counterpart Rastislav Káčer and many other politicians. Probably the most interesting participant in these meetings was the leader of the SNS, a far-right nationalist party. On Tuesday, he also met with Robert Fico, ex-prime minister of Slovakia.
On Monday, Péter Szijjártó went to Slovakia to meet with politicians, most importantly his counterpart Rastislav Káčer. They had discussed some disagreements, relating to the further use of Russian crude oil or the freezing of EU funds for Hungarian. After the meeting, he went on to meet Peter Žiga, Minister of Economic Affairs. They developed a much better rapport than with the previously mentioned politicians. Szijjártó went on to refer to Žiga as his friend, who helped to increase trade and economic activity between the two countries. He also called Igor Matovič his friend, who helped to improve Hungarian-Slovakian relations as prime minister and helped to defended Hungarian interests in Brussels.
Meeting the far-right
Probably the weirdest moment of the day occurred during the minister’s meetup with Andrej Danko. Danko gifted Szijjártó with a soccer jersey bearing his name. It was supposed to be a follow-up gesture to the Hungarian prime minister’s scarf incident that he sported during the World Cup.
Parties standing on national foundations will always get along — said Szijjártó about the Hungarian-hating SNS. The goal is common: stand up for the interests of the nation — added Szijjártó, reports Danko always stood up for Slovakian interests, and he appreciates that the Hungarian government does the same for Hungary.
“We protect Christian-democratic values together” — said Szijjártó.
Danko also thanked Szijjártó, for blocking the “madness” of Brussels. According to him, Poland, Slovakia, Czechia and Hungary should hold together, otherwise, the West will sweep them away.
Meeting Robert Fico
Speaking at a joint press conference with Fico, now leader of the opposition Smer-SD party, Szijjarto said blocking the quota scheme was key for central Europe’s security.
“Had the V4 prime ministers not managed to force their will through against a massive opposition, their countries would have been forced to allow tens of thousands of illegal migrants to live in their territories. They should have also had to bid farewell to their sovereign right to decide whom they want to live with,” he said.
Szijjártó also praised the achievements of the V4 cooperation as a group. Adding to that, he also mentioned how well the bilateral relations between the two countries were under Robert Fico’s premiership. These meetings might be very upsetting for the Hungarian minority living in Hungary. Although earlier in the day Szijjártó met with the chairman of the Alliance party, which unites the three Hungarian ethnic parties, including the one led by Krisztián Forró too.