Hungarian public transport prices rise: the less you travel, the more expensive the ticket

Hungary’s public transport operator Volánbus has changed the price of tickets. The further you travel, the cheaper the ticket: however, the shorter the distance, the bigger the price increase. Those travelling ten kilometres away will face a higher fare increase than those travelling 30 kilometres further.

Price increases at public transport company

Volánbus has also changed the prices of tickets with discounts of 20, 33, 50 and 90 percent. The biggest increase was for tickets within ten kilometres. The company has cited regulations from the Ministry of Construction and Transport as a reason for the increase, reports. We reported on the price changes before in THIS article. brought the example of the Kaposvár-Juta route. In the first half of the year, an adult could travel between the two settlements for HUF 250 (EUR 0.66). However, for a few weeks now, it cost HUF 400 (EUR 1.05). This means that for a trip within ten kilometres, you have to pay a 60 percent higher fare.

The increased prices

The new prices are the following:

  • for a journey of between 10 and 15 kilometres, you will be charged HUF 450 (EUR 1.18) instead of HUF 310 (EUR 0.81),
  • for a distance between 15 and 20 kilometres, the fare is now HUF 500 (EUR 1.31),
  • for a distance between 20 and 25 kilometres, the price is HUF 550 (EUR 1.44),
  • for a journey of between 25 and 30 kilometres, the price has risen the least, from HUF 560 (EUR 1.47) to HUF 600 (EUR 1.57),
  • for tickets or season tickets for distances of more than 30 kilometres, the price has not changed.

Rate increases at private transport companies as well

It was not only public transport that changed its fares at the beginning of the month: private bus operators also increased their rates, adds.

The managing director of Németh Kft., József Németh said that in the first half of the year, prices increased by 20-25 percent. Currently, they charge HUF 550-600 (EUR 1.44-1.57) per kilometre. He added that all their costs have risen, with fuel, servicing and spare parts also becoming more expensive.

“A battery costs HUF 100,000 (EUR 262.53), a tyre HUF 140,000 (EUR 367.55), and the latter has to be replaced every 80-100,000 kilometres,” he said.

The managing director of Szabó-Busz Hungary Ltd., Bence László Szabó, said that the company has not yet changed the tariff this year, but last year it increased the kilometre fee by 25 percent. Currently, the 20-passenger buses charge HUF 250 (EUR 0.66) plus per kilometre, while the 50-passenger buses charge HUF 400-450 (EUR 1.05-1.18) extra. “Of course, the longer the journey, the bigger the discount,” added Mr Szabó.


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