Hungarian scientists design a ventilator able to help up to 50 patients to breathe

The scientists of the Óbuda University design the machine and, of course, it would be used to help coronavirus patients to breathe. Such constructions are not only needed to pump air into the lungs of the patients but also have to clean the virus-rich air coming out of their body. Therefore, it can help doctors and nurses to avoid catching any diseases while walking around the patients. Furthermore, another advantage of the new machine will be that it can be used even outside the hospitals. 

The nonprofit MassVentil Project of the Research and Innovation Centre of the Óbuda University and the ABC Center of Intelligent Robotics has been running since the beginning of March, and many foreign scientists, Hungarian students and also companies joined to take part it. On April 1, professor József Bódis, state secretary responsible for knowledge and innovation management, asked about the details of the project during a video conference, so they already managed to place themselves on the government’s map.

The original idea of the mass ventilator came from Dr Miklós Kozlovszky, dean of the John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, who is also the leader of the EKIK BioTech Research Centre. On March 16, scientists made the prototype to show the concept but that

was empowered only by an ordinary vacuum cleaner.

Four days later, they built the next version that had a real engine and on which they placed sensors. On March 22, they were joined by doctors from the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy of the Semmelweis University. Two days later, they managed to place regulators on the machine that help the patients to breathe. 

Scientists have to defeat time which is the biggest adversary in fighting against the virus spreading too quickly. Therefore, they would like to involve as many engineers and experts as possible, so they wait for the application of programmers, electrical engineers and those who would like to test the new machine. Technical details can be read on the where one can find the contacts, as well.


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