Hungarians’ enthusiasm for cinema-going lukewarm in EU comparison

Though their country boasts a high-profile and fast-growing film production industry, Hungarians are rather infrequent cinemagoers in comparison with citizens of other European Union member states, data compiled by Eurostat show.
The percentage of Hungarians, 16 years of age or older, who had been to the cinema at least once in the past twelve months stood at 31 percent, the latest data from 2015 show.
The rate for the EU as a whole was a little over 45 percent and reached as high as 64 percent in the case of Denmark.
The percentage of Hungarians who had been to the cinema at least four times in the past year was 11 percent, under the 18 percent average for the EU-28 and well behind the French, who led with 29 percent.
The percentage of Hungarians who had been to a live performance, such as a play, concert or ballet, at least once in the past year also stood at 31 percent, under the 42 percent rate for the EU-28.
One-quarter of Hungarians had been to a sporting event at least once in the past year.
Hungarians on average spent 130 euros on their holiday in 2015, followed by Czechs, Latvians, and Romanians among European Union countries, the EU’s statistics office has reported today.
Source: MTI/Eurostat