Hungary against sanctioning Israel

Now is “definitely not the time” for the European Union to heed calls to sanction Israeli settlers, the Hungarian foreign minister said in New York on Wednesday, arguing that such a step would create more tension and prolong counter-terrorism operations.

Speaking in connection with a debate on an EU proposal to sanction certain Israeli settlers and Hungary’s decision to block it, Peter Szijjarto said he had “never experienced such an overly emotional debate that devolved into personal attacks” over the last ten years like last weekend’s discussion on the Middle East in the EU’s Foreign Affairs Council.

“It’s clear that there’s a serious anti-Israel stance in Europe,” Szijjarto said, according to a ministry statement. “Many are backing it. We can see in western Europe as well as here, in the United States a steep rise in anti-Semitic crimes, a rise in anti-Israel demonstrations, and that modern time anti-Semitism is rampant. Exponentially so in western Europe.”

The minister said western European governments were pushing for “including certain Israeli citizens, so-called settlers in the sanction list”, adding that Hungary believed “that now is definitely not the time for this”.

He said Israel had been the victim of a brutal terrorist attack and was conducting counter-terrorism operations that also involved protecting civilians and freeing hostages. Moreover, everything possible has to be done to prevent escalation, he added.

Now is not the time for sanctions

“Now is not the time to sanction Israelis, because that can only generate more tensions, prolong the counter-terrorism operations and could result in more casualties,” Szijjarto said.

Europe, he said, should instead concentrate on making sure that the counter-terrorism operations succeed as quickly as possible and that life can return to normal in the Middle East. This, he said, had already begun with the Abraham Accords “but was interrupted by Hamas’s terrorist attack”.

“So, I would consider it a bad decision to sanction Israeli settlers right now,” Szijjarto said. “I don’t think this is the time for this. I’m glad that the Czechs are of a similar view, but I can honestly say that we aren’t influenced by other [countries’] positions this time, either.”

SzijjártĂł: UN’s main task to prevent escalation in Ukraine, Middle East

The most important responsibility of the United Nations right now is to prevent an escalation in the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said in New York on Wednesday, adding that Hungary was prepared to assist in all peace efforts.

Speaking before a meeting of the UN General Assembly, Szijjarto said global security was at its worst since the second world war, and that the threat of a third world war had never been greater. The UN, he added, must therefore spearhead all counter-terrorism and peace efforts.

He said the UN had been established to serve as a platform between hostile nations. “And we want the war in our neighbouring country to end as soon as possible, and for the counter-terrorism operation in the Middle East to succeed,” Szijjarto said. “So the UN’s main responsibility right now is to take a stand in the interest of peace and help efforts against terror succeed.”

The minister warned of a risk of escalation in both Ukraine and the Middle East, adding that “there are efforts being made to expand both conflicts to other countries”.

He said such a development could lead to regional and even global war which is why the international community’s most important responsibility right now was to prevent the escalation of these crises.

Success of counter-terrorism operations in Gaza global interest

Szijjarto said the success of the counter-terrorism operations in Gaza was a global interest, adding it was critical to prevent the fighting from spreading to Lebanon, so it was important to assist the government in Beirut.

He said the more countries supplies weapons to Ukraine, the longer the war would last, the more casualties and the greater destruction there would be. “Each passing day carries the risk of escalation,” he said.

Szijjarto said it was clear that there was a push to provoke other countries into the conflict. “The most important responsibility for us Europeans and NATO members right now is to prevent the potential breakout of a conflict between NATO and Russia, as this would obviously be the equivalent of the start of a third world war,” he said.

The minister also warned that the longer the two conflicts went on, the greater the threat of the re-emergence of geopolitical blocs would be.

“The sooner the war is brought to an end, and the sooner there is victory in the counter-terrorism operation, the greater the chance for the next era in world politics being about connectivity and civilised cooperation,” he added.

Global pro-peace majority may grow

He expressed hope that the “global pro-peace majority” could grow more vocal in the UN against the “war psychosis” of the transatlantic world.

Szijjarto said Hungary was prepared to assist any efforts aimed at promoting peace and civilised international cooperation.

“We pursue an honest, open, pro-peace foreign policy . that strives for mutual respect,” Szijjarto said. “That is why it’s clear that though we are part of the Western alliance, members of NATO and the European Union, we are able to communicate with the Eastern countries as well.”

Meanwhile, Szijjarto said he is scheduled to meet several American business executives in New York and Boston over the coming days. He welcomed that the American companies that make up the second largest group of investors in Hungary “don’t judge a given investment destination based on political propaganda, but on reality”.

“The confidence of American businesses in Hungary is unwavering. They consider the Hungarian investment environment favourable, and I hope over the next two days we’ll be able to reach one or two agreements . that will yield more and more investments,” he added.

Threat of third world war has never been greater

The threat of the outbreak of a third world has never been as great as it is now, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said in New York on Wednesday, underlining the need for an urgent end to the war in Ukraine and the success of the counter-terrorism operations in the Middle East.

In his address to the United Nations General Assembly, Szijjarto said global security was in its worst shape since the end of the second world war, and that the threat of a third world war had never been as great as it was now. The UN, he added, must therefore spearhead all counter-terrorism and peace efforts.

According to a ministry statement, Szijjarto also spoke out against the re-emergence of geopolitical blocs, saying that the longer it takes to settle the situations in Ukraine and the Middle East, the greater the chance of a return to a world of blocs would be. Central Europe and Hungary already lost out on such a divide in the past, he said, urging connectivity and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Szijjarto said this required bringing back mutual respect into international politics. This, he added, was key to turning “an age of dangers” into “an age of peace and sustainable development”. He said the UN needed to take the lead in this effort.

The minister said Hungary wanted the war in Ukraine to come to an end as soon as possible and the anti-terror operations in the Middle East to be successful. The UN’s most important responsibility, he said, was to stand up for peace and aid the success of the fight against terror.

These conflicts will not be stopped at the border

Szijjarto also warned against the risk of escalation in both conflicts. He said that if just one other country got involved in any of the two conflicts, “these conflicts will not be stopped at the border of that given country” and the threat of a regional or global war would become realistic.

The minister said the success of the counter-terrorism operations in Gaza was a global interest.

Szijjarto said the more countries supplied weapons to Ukraine, the longer the war would last, the more casualties and the greater destruction there would be.

The minister expressed hope that the voice of the “global pro-peace majority” could grow louder and louder in the UN against the “war psyche” of the transatlantic world.

“You can count on Hungary as a true ally when it comes to standing up for peace, when it comes to saving the lives of people and when it comes to fighting terrorist organisations,” the minister said.

Read also:

  • Tens of thousands of guest workers cannot enter Hungary: large investments in trouble – Read more HERE
  • EC to launch infringement procedure against Hungary: forint starts to plummet – Details in THIS article


  1. This guy is a joke. Russia is occupying Ukrainian territory > sanctions

    Palestines is being occupied> sanctions

    When is the time for this? Justice should not wait. And here we go again with the cat and mouse game. Th EU should change the rules about vetoing and approval of laws. Hungary has become a bad manipulator of the rules

  2. Palestinians supported and support terrorist hamas. That includes supporting of beheading babies, putting live babies into ovens, raping and murdering women, seniors and taking innocent people hostages. According to data, 35 hostages are dead, they were probably just murdered by hamas.

    Over the past years, US, UK, EU supported Gaza through funds given to the UN. UNWRA the arm of UN that doled the money out was aware that money was given to hamas, not one industry was established, not one electric generating or desalination plant built. Money was used to buy weapons, support protestors and tunneling.

    That is what Jose Hernandez supports. I wonder how he would like it if his baby was beheaded, or wife murdered. The terrorist supporting palestinians cannot be classified as human being.

    Israel should be fully supported by all nations and helped Israel to totally eliminate hamas.

  3. mariavontheresa. Are we talking about hamas and the gaza strip? No, right? We sre talking about the settlers, be smarter and improve your reading frist.

  4. Peter Szijjarto and those of the same mind should stop confusing criticism of the Israeli government and Zionism with anti-semitism. The equating of these two has been the successful strategy of the Zionists and their sympathizers to intimidate criticism of the theft of homes, land and territory through violent means of the Palestinians that has been happening since 1948.

    The fact is that Israel is an occupying power and Hamas is a resistance movement that has on occasion resorted to violence. That is what resistance movements do. They resist the violence perpetrated against them by violent means at times. The acts of violent resistance from Hamas on Oct. 7 are the latest examples. Why? Think about it. Here is a state that “legally” allows itself to dispossess homes, farms and even personal property on the biblical distortion that this is the “promised land” by God to the “Jewish people”. Please note that Theodor Herzl the founder of the Zionist movement was an atheist.

    So what have we here? A nationalist movement called Zionism that uses Judaism as a justification for its existence, the objective of which is to facilitate the return of all the Jews from the diaspora to what is essentially a colonialist settler state. The problem is that many rabbis do not accept this and say that the return will only come with the appearance of the Messiah, and condemn the calculate massacre of Palestinians -27’000 and counting- as forbidden in the Torah. Many non-religious Jews also reject Zionism and are not “self-hating Jews”, an argument that many pro-Zionist Jews like to use to explain this rejection.

    So what is the problem with Peter Szijjarto that he calls these massacres an “anti-terror operation”? He needs to look around the information space and discover all the young, courageous Jewish activists, especially in the USA who are actively fighting against the policies of the Israeli government and reject Zionism and its racist-type ideology. Although the Holocaust was experienced by some of their parents or relatives, they themselves are in an environment where Jews thrive. They see this continual reference in the media to “rising anti-Semitism” as well as the line “Israel has a right to defend itself” for what it is, an attempt to divert attention to the inhuman actions -and they are nothing less than that- of the Israeli government supported by its Western sympathizers.

    Its hard to imagine that Peter Szijjarto does not know what is going on in Gaza. He needs to ask himself what kind of human being he is.

  5. Dear Jose, all Israelis left Gaza in 2005. There was not one Israeli citizen in Gaza during the Oct 7 attack. Therefore, there was not legitimate excuse for the attack.

    People of Gaza managed to live because Israel supplied electricity, clean water and jobs. Hope that in the future, Israel will close its border to Gaza, stop supplying needed electricity and water and not one job. Let those that support the terrorist state supply Gaza’s future needs.

    Bleeding hearts or antisemites come up with all sorts of excuse because Israel is guilty. Of course, this is nonsense. The people that make Anti-Israeli comments celebrate their antisemitism and can hardly wait for total genocide of the Israeli people.

  6. I had a Hungarian Jewish friend, a sweet old lady. She gifted to me letters written by her father and brother living in Hungary. The letters were written between 1939 to 1944. I had the letters translated since I could not read them or understand them. Both the father and brother were sent to Auschwitz and murdered there. Those letters are an everlasting reminder of the inhumanity of Germans and the people of other EU Nations.

    Everyone that sides with the genocidal hamas of October 7th complicit in the murders of Jewish babies, and adults because of their support of terrorist supporting palestinians.

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