Hungary is guest of honour at Pujiang Innovation Forum

The Pujiang Innovation Forum in Shanghai opened on Saturday with Hungary participating as a guest of honour at the four-day event.

“Our goal is to strengthen our research, scientific and innovation relations with our Chinese partners, because if we look around the world, we can see that China is ahead not only of Europe, but also of the United States in innovation and science,” deputy state secretary for innovation László Bódis said at the event.

In the fields of science, research and innovation Hungary also wants to be at the forefront of the world, so it is essential to establish close cooperation with Chinese companies and universities, Mr Bódis said.

Hungary is represented at the event with around forty experts, company and university leaders, who will showcase at the forum in which areas Hungarian innovation provides world-class performance. The Pujiang Innovation Forum is being held for the 17th time since its inaugural event in 2008.

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