Hungary’s entry for the Oscars has been selected – TRAILER

The Hungarian Oscar submission committee has chosen Hungary’s entry for the 89th Academy Awards. This year, Attila Till’s comedy drama Kills on Wheels (orig. Tiszta szívvel) will represent Hungary in the Best Foreign Language Film category, writes.
According to the rules of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), every country can submit a film in the Best Foreign Language Film category which was released in the cinemas between October 1, 2015 and September 30, 2016. Kills on Wheels was chosen from among sixteen Hungarian films which were eligible to be submitted.
Till’s second feature film is an action-comedy about two young men in wheelchairs who befriend a paralysed hitman and form a gang. The film was made with the help of the Hungarian National Film Fund, and it was produced by Judit Stalter in the Laokoon Filmgroup’s production. The film was released in Hungary in April, and it has been seen by more than 30,000 people.
The international premier of Kills on Wheels at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival was a great success both among critics and the audience. It also won the audience award at the Palić Film Festival, and the European Film Academy has selected the film for the European Film Award as the only Hungarian nomination among 50 films.

The film’s distribution rights have been sold to more than 10 regions, including Turkey, Taiwan, and Romania. The film will be released abroad first in France this autumn under the title Roues Libres.
[button link=”” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] 3 Hungarian films among the greatest films of the 21st century[/button]
The films for the Best Foreign Language Film category have to be submitted until October 3. In December, the AMPAS releases a list of the 10 best submissions from which the 5 nominations will be selected. These will be announced on January 24, 2017. The 89th Academy Awards will take place on February 26, in the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles.
[box] Hungarian Oscar history
- Hungary has been submitting films in the Best Foreign Language Film category since 1965.
- Hungarian films have received Oscar nominations 9 times, and won the award twice: in 1981 for Mephisto, and this year for Son of Saul.
- István Szabó is the most acclaimed Hungarian director with 7 submissions, 4 nominations, and 1 award. The second place goes to Zoltán Fábri with 4 submissions and 2 nominations.
- Hungary has submitted only one animated film, Cat City, in 1986.
Copy editor: bm