Italy criticises Orbán’s quota referendum initiative

Budapest, February 24 (MTI) – Péter Szijjártó, Hungary’s foreign minister, defended his government’s recent idea of holding a referendum on European migrant quotas, in his reaction to critical remarks by his Italian counterpart.

Paolo Gentiloni said earlier on Wednesday that “I don’t believe that Europe today can manage the migrant crisis with single countries delegating decisions to their citizens that disrupt common ones taken at a European level.” He also suggested that the Hungarian referendum could turn out to be a precedent with “negative or even dangerous” ramifications.

In his response, Szijjártó said it was “natural” in a democracy that voters should express their opinion or pass decisions in connection with crucial national issues. He also noted that Europe has not come up with an effective solution for the migration crisis.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced on Wednesday that Hungary would hold a referendum on the European Union’s proposed mandatory migrant quota scheme.

Citizens will be asked “Do you want to allow the European Union to mandate the resettlement of non-Hungarian citizens to Hungary without the approval of the National Assembly”.

Source: MTVA

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