Jobbik: Is Hungary run by a mob government?

There are more and more links discovered between Vizoviczki’s empire and Fidesz-Christian Democrats and, unless we get an explanation for them, we can state that Hungary is run by a mob government.

A few days ago it was revealed that László Vizoviczki held several so-called “mega-parties” with such figures as patrons as Péter Ágh, the president of Fidelitas and Balázs Bús, the Fidesz-delegated mayor of District 3, Budapest. Another recent discovery is that Vizoviczki-affiliated was a supporter of the “We can breathe” promotion campaign run by the Ministry of Human Resources. It is also known that the campaign was conducted by Plan B Media, whose PR officer is Márton Woth, a co-founder of Fidesz Youth Platform alongside Gergely Gulyás and Dániel Loppert.

Woth must certainly have known the lord of the underworld personally, he was in business relations with the emperor of disco clubs. The evidence lies in the transcripts of a phone wire tap, in which Woth states he has talked with the “necessary person”, and this mysterious unnamed individual “found the terms acceptable”, and they will see what powers he has so that they could select the appropriate approach to the matter. Interestingly enough, this 2012 conversation took place a few days before Vizoviczki met Kubatov. In response to media inquiries however, Woth claimed he had not organized the meeting.

Fidesz still owes us the explanations for these matters! Who is this mysterious individual who has certain powers and what confidential information did he or she share with a key mob figure, what shady deal was struck? Did Viktor Orbán ask his party director Kubatov what relationship he had with László Vizoviczki? Did Orbán’s men aid Vizovoczki in any way and did they get anything from him in return? Where is Vizoviczki’s letter to Kubatov and why are several pages missing from the letter? Why don’t the investigative authorities look into this matter? Is the civic Hungary built under influence of the mob?

György Szilágyi, Jobbik MP

Source: Press release – Jobbik

One comment

  1. Why are the opositions so hard against the FIdesz run government? If you want answers to questions, why don’t the opposition parties sit in Parliament, put their questions up, and discuss? Most of what is going on in Hungary is a discrimination against it’s ruling party and a lack of interest for it’s people.

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