Jobbik to submit proposal on banning privatisation of public water utilities
Opposition Jobbik will soon submit a proposal on banning the privatisation of public water utilities, party deputy leader Róbert Dudás said on Wednesday.
Dudás told a press briefing streamed on Facebook that the government had told local authorities to hand over their public water utility assets free of charge by the end of September.
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Dudás accused the government of “systematically hobbling the operation of public water utility providers over the past decade”, forcing them to accumulate multi-billion-forint debts. Also, the government has not undertaken to retain employees of the companies or to refrain from selling the assets, Dudás said. The government should leave water management in the hands of local authorities, he said.
Noting that the government has already privatised the management of motorways and outsourced the operation of public schools, Dudás said the “situation now is even more severe; water is essential for every Hungarian.”
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Source: MTI
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He is giving away to his friends every asset this country has. No wonder they are all billionaires.
“What is the current level of investments in Hungary for collecting and treating urban waste water? Hungary currently invests 10 euros per citizen per year for new collecting and treatment infrastructure, as well as for the renewal of ageing infrastructure. This is below the EU average of 41 euros per citizen every year”
Guessing that cost will need to be passed on and then some.
Also, our Water Utility Association (MaVíz) disagrees with the EU Commission – who are calling on us to apply EU rules on drinking water…
“… calling on Hungary (INFR(2016)2047) to comply with the requirements of the Drinking Water Directive (98/83/EC). The Directive requires Member States to ensure that water intended for human consumption is wholesome and clean. According to EU rules, drinking water should be free from micro-organisms and parasites, and from substances that could pose a potential danger to human health.”
Then some fun facts from that Sovereign Nation, the UK: . Swimming in your own excrement. I guess there’s people who find that exciting?