Jobbik: We don’t want to live in a dictatorship

Jobbik press release said, Jobbik has achieved its goals set for 23 October and got the message through: we don’t want to live in a dictatorship, said Tamás Pintér.

Jobbik was the only one to keep its word and step on the path of real resistance on 23 October,

stated Tamás Pintér in his press conference on Wednesday. He referred to the video recorded at the party’s official event when they presented their latest political acts (including putting a padlock on Chief Prosecutor Péter Polt’s house).

“Jobbik has once again proved that we are the Orbán regime’s only efficient opposition with a real force,” this is how Tamás Pintér described the party’s spontaneous protest held at the central office of the public media. He expressed his view that

“the resistance against this Bolshevik government must begin with an intellectual freedom fight”.

Recalling the events, he said about 100-150 policemen were waiting for them at the Kunigunda Street office of the state television. Several demonstrators were requested to show their IDs. There was another protest held at the central office. When it began, the Jobbik supporters marched over to Fidesz’s Lendvay Street office. There were 3-4 policemen for each demonstrator there. The officers wanted to identify each and every protester on suspicion of committing a criminal act but since they were unable to concretely define the charges, they eventually decided to disperse the blockade instead, the politician explained.

“In light of Jobbik’s actions, the passivity of the fake left and the self-proclaimed radicals clearly shows that they are part of the Orbán regime,”

Mr Pintér suggested. According to the politician, Jobbik proved yesterday that they were worthy of the legacy of 1956 revolutionary Gergely Pongrátz, who assisted the party’s foundation in 2003, and taking the streets back was just the beginning. Responding to a media question as to how they were going to continue, he said: “you will see”.

Mr Pintér also told the journalists about what happened on Tuesday evening after the event.

Some policemen suddenly appeared out of nowhere and wanted to check the identity of Jobbik representatives coming to the scene by underground from the head office of the governing party. Tamás Pintér said the policemen told them they were looking for the organizers of the Lendvay Street flash mob. “But that event had no organizer,” he noted. He also revealed that Jobbik MPs were followed by a plain-clothes policeman who they spotted on the underground after a while but they didn’t know why he was following them.

The MP was also asked some questions about boycotting the public media, which MP Ádám Mirkóczki suggested to the opposition MPs in this week. Mr Pintér explained that

they were obliged to answer all questions from the media, but Fidesz’ propaganda machine, which is funded by billions of the taxpayers’ money, has been way out of line.

However, Jobbik will still continue to answer the state media’s questions at the Anti-Defamation Press Conference each Friday.

Photo: MTI

Source: Jobbik – press release

One comment

  1. No Jobbik? Rëally not? What about this:
    Somewhere tucked away after the reports of a plane crash in Indonesia, not to mention Verstappen’s first place in Mexico, the Netherlands MSM still have a chance to report that an ‘extremely populist’ exmilitary Bol-sonaro until the new president of Brazil has been elected in the election of the German federal state of Hesse and has no more than 10% of the voters. Starting close to the door? The elections in the German federal state of Hessen have produced a result for both Sauer’s CDU and the socialist SPD, which shows that the German voters, who are difficult to put into action, talk about the lazy CDU and SPD without giving results to Sauer and spitting out its coalition partner. to be. This result is a reflection of dissatisfaction with the current policy of Sauer, who is now Chancellor for 13 years and 18 years of CDU party chairman, thus pushing the dictatorial stamp on the German political landscape. In principle, Sauer could be re-elected as a party chairman at the end of 2018, but with a rising unrest in the party, this opportunity will certainly decrease after the result in Hesse, which will also difficult relationship between CDU / CSU. and the SPD. The captain of the SPD, Andrea Nahles in turn, has the same problems, the SPD in Hesse also lost by more than 10% and the young socialists have been calling for the coalition that Germany is trying to control must be paid off in new elections, or at least by replacing the current leaders should be refreshed. The Germans have had enough of the incumbent political elite and the Greens benefited, together with the AfD, where the Latter Party has now been granted a permanent place in the cabinets of all 17 German federal states while the Greens have passed the SPD in a number of Bundesländer. strived. In Brazil, the MSM prefers to be elected as the extreme or populist Jair Bolsonaro and thus defeats his socialist opponent, a socialist trade unionist. A good bandit is a dead bandit, that is the motto or Bolsonaro. In a country where crime is rampant and security is under pressure, this is the salvation message for many Brazilians. Bolsonaro has a military background and many soldiers are not distributed inconceivable. What the results show in both Germany and Brazil is the message that we have found in our mailbox. or desperation & anger – one way or the other. At some point, democracies are going to need to grapple with that or there will be Bolsonaros every-where. We could not write more strongly. All over the world we see that in democratic countries the ruling elite who usually sail a moderate center-left course have been relieved by more extreme left-wing or right-wing politicians and their parties because none of the promised changes that he had expected when he released his voice honored. That is the Netherlands, Hungary, Poland, now Brazil is not surprising. The citizen wants a piece of security, clarity, and sees in Europe what the effect is of the ‘wir schaffen das’, Heil Hitler. Political and other changes, so that society will once again show clear boundaries of what is and what is not possible, or, more or less, owing to The Hague, and the ordinary man is the victim of it.

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