MEP Gyöngyösi: Orbán embarrassed by Hungarians taking up arms against Russians
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MEP Márton Gyöngyösi’s (Non-attached) thoughts via press release:
It’s been a long time since the dawn of Hungary’s post-Communist democratization, when former Communist Youth member and newly-Liberal Viktor Orbán landed in our political life clinging with both hands to the memory of 1956. By now however, Orbán’s regime has become so subservient to Vladimir Putin that they would rather forget the revolution against the Soviet Union. What a stark contrast it is with the Ukrainian army’s ethnic Hungarian soldiers who just liberated villages and towns from Russian occupation the other day.
The still uncensored part of the Hungarian internet has featured some special photos recently: the Ukrainian army’s ethnic Hungarian soldiers proudly posing with the symbol of the Hungarian revolution of 1956, the flag with a hole in it, standing in the main square of a town just liberated from Russian occupation. The warriors’ message is clear: they consider themselves as the successors of the freedom fighters of 1956, and they struggle against Moscow’s tyranny as their spiritual predecessors did. And they do so quite successfully as the Transcarpathian Hungarian volunteers have been actively involved in the Ukrainian military successes of the past few weeks.
Meanwhile in Budapest, the Fidesz government, which used to run campaigns of anti-Communism and heightened nationalism, was going through its most embarrassing days ever.
Although the commemorations of October 23 had been considered for many years as the political highlight of the season for Viktor Orbán’s supporters, who had been transported by buses to Budapest so they could listen to their leader’s latest guidelines in the highest numbers possible, everything changed this year. The central state celebration was so insignificant that it wasn’t even featured in the news, and Viktor Orbán decided to flee to the country to deliver his speech at an event hidden from the public.
Why? Because Orbán, who climbed in the Hungarian political arena on the memory of 1956, now finds it embarrassing to reflect on the Hungarians who took up arms against the Russian occupation.
His regime has increasingly been relying on Putin’s Russia, and Orbán has been professing his faith in such Russian propaganda claims as Ukraine is “not even a country” or there’s “no defence” against weaponized Russian energy other than submitting to it.
October 23 of 2022 was the day when Orbán’s immorality was exposed for the whole world to see. The politician who, quite recently, was such a fervent anti-Communist, no longer dares to even address the crimes of Communism, because many of his supporters actually love Putin more than him, while he himself worships the Russian propaganda with just about as much passion as they do.
The question is: how long will the European Union keep allowing this man to partake in joint decisions and when will its leaders finally realize that Orbán’s and his ministers’ presence in the EU’s decision-making processes is just as if they let Putin or Sergei Lavrov sit at the table?
On October 23 this year, Orbán and his party completed their symbolic divorce from Europe. It’s high time European politicians finally realized the truth and started working out the details of how to sanction Orbán and his partners in crime.
Disclaimer: the sole liability for the opinions stated rests with the author(s). These opinions do not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Parliament.
Gyongyosi embarrased by Hungarian voters. Nobody voted him. He is a nobody. He should shut the up.
@Boing – this is an opinion piece (with a bias, not objective, etc.) and should perhaps be marked as such. Important that people at least be able to share their points of view (ideally backed with facts and data, not random sentiment), so that others may (try to) understand and agree or disagree with a goal to be able to engage in sensible dialogue (or pose the counterargument)?
This piece has obvious political intent with a specific audience in mind. Nobody ever claimed the game of politics is pretty.
Hungarians should know better; it is time to stay out of Ukrainian/Russia melee.