Ministry official: migration shows no signs of easing
The migration wave shows no signs of easing, with the Hungarian authorities having prevented 125,000 people from crossing the country’s southern border illegally so far this year, a senior interior ministry official said at a farewell ceremony to a Hungarian police contingent on Tuesday.
The contingent being dispatched to serve in Serbia for the next month will also be protecting the Hungarian people, State Secretary Bence Rétvári said, sending off the latest group of officers.
He noted that Hungarian authorities thwarted on average 485 illegal border crossing attempts per day throughout this year so far with the number of violent acts totalling 168 at the country’s southern border.
Without Hungary’s help, the migration pressure on both Austria and Slovakia would be significantly greater, Rétvári said, relaying the Serbian authorities’ thanks for Hungary’s assistance.
He said the fact that migrants and people smugglers had been forced out of the better guarded areas was proof that border protection was working.
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(17) seventeen visits to the Hungarian Department of Immigration over (6) six years.
19th September 2023 our last visit.
Status of our Residency, because we speak No Hungarian, is by @ years re-application to stay on.
19th September 2023 – arrived at 7.35am – we know the system to get there early to lessen the hours you have to wait. The longest 4 hours 30 minutes, we had to wait for attention.
Predominantly over (6) years – 17 visits, the high volume of people we have seen sat with have been Asian, dominated by people from China.
19th September 2023 – of all our visits, never seen the number of Chinese in this facility like EXPERIENCED.
Felt like the walls going to get pushed out by the number, and the queue – out the front door into the utca.
It was mayhem.
Do Hungarian people know of this “Flooding” into Hungary of the Chinese ?
We talk over (6) six years = 17 visits – the first hand viewing of numbers, which is ASTOUNDING.
They have COME, and they will continue to COME – grow larger in there coming and Hungary, you will pay the PRICE.
We have first hand experience, from the country of our birth, the transformation of Districts from populations composition 98% not of Asian birth.
We have seen, these somewhat “inner city” districts transformed – taken over, becoming to a degree ghetto type, through lack of integration into the way of life of the English speaking country of our birth.
They came, and just over the spate of 40 plus years – 1970’s on KEEP coming and coming and coming.
Hungary, they have come and believe me – they are “on the march” – encouraged by the Orban alinement to China, and it will WORSEN.
Interesting to watch the EXPANSION of the Budapest Chinatown map size over the next 5 to 10 years and new DISTRICTS other than districts / places we have now, that are referred to as Chinatown, where the East meets the West.
It will EXPAND and Hungary, the falling decreasing on-going trend of the Hungarian population, will be ENGULFED from the on-going in-flux of the people from China.
Budapest, opening – the up-grading of Major train lines from the East, that improves increases from the East – transportation of merchandise/goods from Asia/China.
No wonder Budapest, is getting referred to, as an integral part of the NEW Silk Road – where the East meets the West, and journeys on into and throughout “other” European country’s – the weak financial country’s of Europe, not so much country’s of the European Union, of which Hungary, its financial “turmoil” at this time is part of the Chinese buy out plan.
Hungary we just build & build on Deals and Trading / Population and Investment arrangements, with China, that will not have long term pleasant RESULTS.
Illegal migration to Europe is now at the peak 2015 levels. Nothing is being done, for obvious reasons; rather, it is those very few countries–such as Hungary–that try to protect themselves from the flood of illegal aliens that get raked over the coals by the despicable E.U. None of this is happening by chance, due to unforeseeable circumstances, or out of powerlessness. It’s all very deliberate.
Steiner Michael – Concur.
The Chinese growing FLOOD into Hungary, wrongful in my opinion, but to think, if “your man” Orban and his “lot” – did not have a “Spleen” to stop the HUMONGOUS growing movement of illegal migration, which will WORSEN, we in Hungary, would be – what we do to Chickens ha ha.
Support your HERO – the Political Hungarian Party of Fidesz – on there illegal migration Policy.
Chinese people moving to Hungary are productive and law abiding. Chinese immigrants in Canada and US have learned the language, rebuilt run-down areas, participated in politics, run and won for government positions. Most recent Chinese migrants are well educated. None of these statements could be applied to middle east or African illegal migrants. These people start out by refusing to legally apply for entry at Consulates and start out by wanting to break the laws by illegal entry. These people are willing to pay thousands to smuggler yet when they get to their new country, most refuse to learn language, refuse to go to work, create no go zones, molest women, and Muslim illegals attack the Jewish population.
Hungary does not need criminals, who refuse to assimilate. Hungary is for “Hungarians”. It is up to Hungarians to decide whom they allow to enter or live in their country.