Check out the porn map and capital of Hungary! publishes every year a survey about the Hungarian cities where locals watch the most porn.
In their statement, they wrote that the porn capitals of the previous years could not get into the top10 in 2019. Neither Dombóvár nor Mátészalka was among the “hottest” cities of the country – reported.
In 2019,
locals from Nagykanizsa (Zala county) watched the most porn.

This is interesting since in Nagykanizsa live only 47 thousand people while Budapest’s population is more than 1.7 million. However, this probably does not mean that locals living in the Hungarian capital are not as interested in porn than people living in Nagykanizsa. Since the survey is based on Google Trends, people aiming to watch porn in Nagykanizsa probably do not know as many relevant URLs as those living in Budapest. Therefore, they search for porn with the help of their Google browser.
We already wrote before about
the Great Hungarian Prostitute Map
which can be found HERE and though it is quite gap-toothed it is real. The map contains the “contact information” of sex workers which, of course, does not mean email address or phone number, but locations and practical, lovely precise information.
“In the evening, from 8 pm. a young blonde girl” (Kálvária Square) “From there to point 2, you can find about 10 girls. They begin to gather after 8 pm and go back home around midnight” (Thököly Road). “From noon to evening, a girl stands there” (Kőérberki Road).
The favourite of the website is the following: “I know so that the ladies arrive in the evening. They gather around 5-6 pm.
You can expect 15-16 girls.
There are always a few girls, in the morning, at noon, in the evening, in sunshine, rain, wind, snow. So if someone goes there at any time, one will find someone” (Szabadkai Road).
Budapest is unfairly overrepresented; we find more capital tips than the total remaining in Hungary. In Miskolc, there are four locations with the same text: “Sometimes here stands someone too”.