No stopping in fuel price hike: Wednesday and Friday bring further increases in Hungary

Today, on Wednesday, the price of diesel increased by HUF 3. The purchase price of petrol will increase by HUF 3 gross on Friday, while the purchase price of diesel will increase by a further HUF 4 gross. This price hike comes after a HUF 21 increase in fuel prices on 15 January and a HUF 20 increase on 1 January.

In one week, the average price of petrol will rise by HUF 24 and the average price of diesel by HUF 28, according to

From Monday, the HUF 21 increase in excise duty led to higher prices. Since then, the price of diesel continued to rise on Wednesday. From Friday another increase is expected: petrol will cost HUF 3 more gross, while the purchase price of diesel will be HUF 4 higher gross.

Taking into account the current average prices, if the above changes are also reflected at the petrol stations, the following average prices will apply from Friday:

  • type 95 petrol: HUF 581 (EUR 1.53)
  • diesel: HUF 614 (EUR 1.61)

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One comment

  1. Brent crude is lower than it was before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Orban has screwed Hungarians with high petrol prices by making kickback contracts for oil with Putin. Every litre of gas you pump into your car puts kickback money into the pockets of the Fidesz ruble right elite and helps fund Russia’s war in Ukraine and the killing of thousands of Ukrainians.

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