Oil is coming to Hungary again on the Friendship pipeline

According to the Ministry of Technology and Industry, oil will again come to Hungary via the Friendship pipeline.

The Ministry of Technology and Industry said in a statement that oil has been arriving in Hungary steadily since Wednesday night. MOL has taken over the transit fee to be paid by the Russian side, so oil is once again arriving via the Friendship pipeline.

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Domestic supplies were not in danger despite the few days’ pause, as Hungary has enough reserves for several weeks.

“The normal month-change shutdown in supply was scheduled for the 4th of August. With Hungarian intervention, the technical, accounting obstacle to the restart was removed within a short time by assuming the transit fee. Thus, the delivery started yesterday, and from the night hours, oil will be arriving again continuously from Russia via Ukraine to Hungary via the Friendship pipeline,” they said in a statement.

However, Russian oil is still not arriving in the Czech Republic. Oil supplies stopped after 4 August because the Russians were unable to pay transit fees to the Ukrainians due to economic sanctions against Russia. The transfers to the Ukrainian company’s account were reversed by the banking system, telex.hu reports.

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Source: telex.hu, MTI

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