Orbán: Brussels shot us in the back

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Friday that the European Court had made “an outrageous decision” making Hungary pay a daily fine worth around 6 million forints (EUR 15,000) to Brussels just because it refused to accept migrants.
Orbán told public radio that it was more than shocking and “absolute nonsense” that while Hungary was protecting Europe, spending several billion euros on border protection, it was “shot in the back from Brussels”.
“The only answer to that is that we must send away the European leaders who make such decisions,” the PM said.
Read also:
- Russians and Chinese treat Hungary’s property market as an investment platform
- Breaking: Slovenia extends controls at Hungarian and Croatian borders
Mr. Orbán is basically saying most EU Members “shot us” in the back ? Time for facts and data.
The European Parliament that adopted the legislative texts to reform European migration and asylum policy as agreed with EU Member States, and this was subsequently formally adopted by the Council of the European Union:
Only Poland and Hungary opposed the entire package of legislation. Poland argues it should be exempt from the so-called solidarity mechanism in the new legislation because it has assumed the largest number of Ukrainian refugees (hard for us to make this claim – we are not a destination but only a stop along the way for refugees – https://www.statista.com/statistics/1312584/ukrainian-refugees-by-country/ ).
The Czech Republic and Slovakia chose to abstain in the majority of files, while Austria only voted against the Crisis Regulation.
The pact actually gives governments three (3) options to manage asylum seekers:
1) relocate a certain number
2) pay EUR 20,000 for each person they reject, or
3) fund operational support
Pick your poison, as a Member of the club. Mr. Orbán´s claim is false, or at minimum. Lovely soundbite, though!
Divert some of the Russian bribe money to pay the EU fine. It would only be a tiny portion.
Victor Mihaly. Orban is a Polemic.
14 years as the Prime Minister, leader of the Fidez Political Party, and what have they DELIVERED to Hungary ?
It’s called a cataclysmic gargantuan MESS.
It will WORSEN.
Less crying and more HUXIT. Both are incompatible
As soon as the EU made partial payment for protecting the southern border of EU around billions and billions, Hungary should give the EU 6 million forints. Otherwise, tell Brussels and the EU to go to hell.