Orbán wants to protect Hungarian kids against the gender ideology

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán discussed education matters, with special emphasis on the protection of children against gender ideology, with Interior Minister Sándor Pintér in his office on Friday, the PM’s press chief said.
Commenting on a recent child abuse case at a school in Budapest’s 3rd district, Orbán said on Facebook that as a parent he was “deeply shocked and outraged” by the case. “As a politician, my job is to do everything possible to ensure that something like this should never happen again,” the prime minister said. “So, this afternoon I held talks with Interior Minister Sándor Pintér. The protection of our children comes first and is a top priority!”
Earlier in the day, Orbán said in a radio interview that he expected the interior minister to “make clear where the state officials whose job it is to look after our children are”. “We can only protect our children against gender ideology if we demonstrate the possible dangers, and that’s a state responsibility,” he added. “This gender ideology is not just fooling around … it is not just fun that boys dressed as girls and girls dressed as boys go into schools to ‘sensitize’ our children … this is a danger against which children must be protected,” he insisted.
Source: MTI
well, let’s ask them to prepare also a race ideology so the Government can complete the puzzle
From Orbanistan to Orbnazistan.
As usual they talk about LGBT issues in the same breathe as child abuse.
The Catholic church is from a historical perspective the biggest child abuser.
All you have to do is go online and see the sex books for 6- 20 year olds also available in schools for that age- the US flag has been replaced by the LGBTBS – in many class rooms. Many schools are failing in basic education – the US used to have the top schools in the world, now it’s a joke. 55 schools in Baltimore have no students who meet basic standards is just one of many. Race and blowjobs along with starting young children to transition there sex. The libs of tic toc will show you everything you want to know – you don’t need English to understand.
@TM, I agree with you that education is needed, but LGBT, flags, tik tok and “improper content” books has nothing to do with it nor anything else. it is duty of children’s parents (both male and female) to raise them educated and open minded. if kids use drugs, play sex and bully others at young age, it is only due to lack of parents support. any LGBT topic is a government excuse to hide something else.
@FV, You are correct, it all starts with bad parenting, if parent doesn’t care for his child the devil 100% will This is what we see now in USA, ofc it’s not always the case, parents can be good and still “lose” a child, USA shows this needs to fought on all fronts, we are talking about children here.