Orbán: We are capable of protecting Hungary’s interests

We are capable of protecting Hungary’s interests both at home and abroad, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in Zalaegerszeg, in western Hungary, on Sunday.
Addressing the inauguration of a new visitors’ centre presenting the life of the late Cardinal József Mindszenty, Orbán said that in 1956 “we had learnt that joining our forces was the only way to come through hard times”. “Therefore, we should not worry about those who are shooting at Hungary from the shadows or from the heights of Brussels, they will end up where their predecessors did,” he said.
The prime minister stressed that “since Hungary had a conservative government, the country has emerged stronger from every crisis than it was before entering it”.
“We are also prepared now, we will preserve the stability of the country, everyone will have a job and families will not be left on their own,” Orbán said, adding that the government has the strength and the experience to achieve those goals.
Source: MTI
If they’re saying we’ve emerged stronger from every crisis that has happened in the past, then what on earth was this country like before……..
Everyone will have a job will they…..? Another load of hot air……..