Orbán-Zelenskyy summit can pave the way for Orbán’s strongmanship in the EU
Negotiations started to organise an Orbán-Zelenskyy summit. PM Viktor Orbán has not visited Kyiv since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began. He also expressed several times that he did not believe in Ukrainian victory and slammed Kyiv for being corrupt. Therefore, Orbán was against sending more EU aid to the country. What’s more, he even accused Brussels of not giving Hungary development and RRF funds because those financial assets are already in Ukraine.
Therefore, the possible meeting of the Hungarian and Ukrainian leaders may end a very tense era of mutual accusations. Ukrainian leaders suggested several times that the Orbán cabinet was supporting Russia and, in that regard, they found powerful supporters, especially the Biden administration in the United States.
According to portfolio.hu, Ukraine and Hungary must hammer out the precise details of the coming Orbán-Zelenskyy summit. That comes after Orbán and the Hungarian foreign ministry highlighted several times that a summit should only be held if the two leaders can sign agreements.
As we wrote yesterday, the Hungarian and Ukrainian foreign ministers are to meet in Ungvár (Uzhorod) in Transcarpathia on 29 January. That is when they will discuss the meeting of the two country leaders.
Foreign minister Péter Szijjártó said yesterday that a Hungary-Ukraine summit “would make sense only” if it was well-prepared. The meeting’s aim is “to examine whether a top-level meeting would further bilateral relations”, and to review the tasks necessary “for a meeting between the leaders of the two countries to have a hope of success.”
Orbán may join one of the biggest EU parties
On 1 February, there will be an EU summit to work out an alliance between the 26 EU member states if Orbán continues to veto the EU support for Ukraine. However, Reuters wrote Brussels hoped Hungary would give that standpoint up before that happened.
Interestingly, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni would welcome Orbán’s Fidesz in the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) Group provided the Hungarian prime minister supported the EU support for Ukraine in February. That would mean EUR 50 billion for Kyiv. Fidesz left the European People’s Party (EPP) in 2019.
In December, Balázs Orbán, the prime minister’s political director, said a green light was unimaginable until Hungary got all EU development and RRF funds. Later, Brussels promised EUR 10 billion out of the almost 30 billion for Hungary.
Bloomberg said that Meloni wanted Orbán to normalise his relationship with Zelenskyy. That is probably why a summit has to be arranged.
ECR may become the third biggest party in the European Parliament after the 2024 European parliamentary elections if Fidesz joins their ranks.
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“A Leopard can NEVER change it’s SPOTS.”
Orbans “Dye” is truly cast – witnessed by “all & sundry” throughout the European Union – Europe & Globally, country’s under DEMOCRATIC rule, the characteristics of his Dogma or Ideology.
Should Hungarians ever forgive Zelensky for the oppression of their compatriots? No, Never!! Zelensky is a power hungry dictator and wants the EU and North America to support his corrupt country.
Yes, Zelensky will not change his spot and will persecute and impoverish ethnic Hungarians.
Hungary was forced to implement anticorruption measures towards the end of 2022. One measure was establishing the Integrity Authority who then refused to disclose how it awarded contracts until embarrassed by Atlatszo (https://english.atlatszo.hu/2023/06/27/hungarys-new-anti-fraud-authority-refused-to-disclose-contracts-but-changed-its-mind-after-atlatszo-story/).
Contrast this with UA which is also high on Transparency International bad list but is at least acknowledging it has to battle corruption.
It’s as if Hungary has recently found religion, is demonstrating subject matter expertise, or misses the subtle irony.
Victor Orban – the “Seeker” of both sides of the cake, to DICTATE the giving’s or opportunities, that will, as is GLOBALLY acknowledged would be under-taken, by ABUSE non use under DEMOCRACY.
You have made your Bed – Victor Orban – you Lie it.