Parents organise solidarity day keeping children home from school
Budapest, February 24 (MTI) – Parents have joined forces in a Facebook campaign to keep their children home from school on February 29, in solidarity with teachers protesting against the school system, the organisers said.
The solidarity campaign is intended as “a first warning”, Krisztina Puskás, one of the administrators of the Facebook event, told a press conference. There are 24,000 followers of the boycott, she said, adding that parents are pulling together to organise child minding for the day of the “strike”. Puskás said the campaign started to express the view that the current education system is harmful to children and must be contested. She also said her initiative shares the goals of an alternative civil public education roundtable that was set up last week in order to mirror the body set up by the government.
The civil education platform calls for reforms in the public education system, its spokesperson, Krisztina Ercsei, said at the press conference.
You can join to “Nem leszek suliban” this Facebook campaig HERE.
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1 Comment
Ez a ,,pedagogus” tiltakozás elsosorban a ballibek által tuzelt politikai akcio. Felháborito. Nem kell a tárgyaloasztal, ahogy Gallone mondja: ez más mufaj.
Hogy mit plántálnak a gyerekbe, az egyszerően verlazito: ballib politikat,tiltakozast a heti 22oran tuli bármilyen keves pluszmunka ellen, pocskondiázni a Miniszterelnokot-aki eppen kuzd a gazdasági bevándorlok tomegei es a veluk jovo terrorizmus ellen,stb.,rombolni, amit más epitett. Eleg,eleg, eleg.
Naponta tapasztaljuk a ,,Pedagogusok “lázitását: fodrásznal, utcan, kertben,orvosi vároban,ahol egy idos ember megjegyezte: mi lenne Veluk, ha az ev 12 honapjaban.
napi 10-12 oraban kellene dolgozniuk-sokszor-,mint O tette.
Tobiással, Vitányival,stb. veszelyes ,,más mufajt ” kepviselnek.
Szulok, ez szegyen, ha ezt támogatják.