PM Orbán’s main challenger, Péter Magyar: Hungary deserves better than 3,000 robbers, calls Orbán old emperor

“Let us lay the cornerstones of our homeland’s future together,” the leader and MEP of the opposition Tisza Party said at a commemoration of Hungary’s 1848-49 revolution and freedom fight on Saturday, announcing that his party will seek the opinion of Hungarians in a survey dubbed “Voice of the Nation” containing 12 plus 1 questions.

Voice of the Nation details

The party, he said, will organise the largest ever common movement, allowing every Hungarian citizen older than 16 to say what kind of Hungary they want. “I ask every Hungarian for whom family, their home and their homeland are important, to participate in our referendum dubbed Voice of the Nation,” Magyar told the event in Budapest. “Let us lay the cornerstones of our homeland’s future together and let us decide about the following questions together,” he said. “Let us set the tasks of the next Hungarian government together.”

Péter Magyar 15 March Budapest
“Prepare yourselves!” – the inscription says. Photo: MTI

The questionnaire contains 12 plus 1 questions and can be filled out in person or online by April 11, the party leader said. Preliminary registration is already available at THIS website , he added.

“History is in the hands of those who are brave enough to take action to answer the call when the time comes,” Magyar said. “Our time is now; we’re the ones laying the bricks to build up our homeland.” A year ago, he said, “a whole new era began”. “We said that we are no longer willing to live in fear in our own country.”

Health, happiness, self-fulfillment and dignity

“A year ago the message of the revolution made us committed and brave,” Magyar said. “Since then, the slogan of spring, change and hope has been Tisza,” he said, adding that “patriotic Hungarians continue to dream the dream of the March revolutionaries”. “The March revolutionaries never gave and never give up. We are the March revolutionaries,” he said, adding that it did not matter “how old we are or where we live, what matters is that we want to do something for our country”.

Péter Magyar 15 March Budapest
Photo: MTI

“Our rules are simple: we love our home, Hungary,” Magyar said. “We consider it our eternal right that we shall define together the pillars of our common life”. He called the Hungarian nation “indivisible”, vowing that “like it or not, Tisza will reunite the nation”. Magyar said Hungary’s place was in a strong Europe where the country was respected, valued and regarded as an ally by its neighbours.

He called health, happiness, self-fulfillment and dignity the most important values, saying that “a successful country can only be built together, by joining our forces”. “Homeland and progress, those are what we believe in,” Magyar said.

“Hungary wants to be alive again. Spring has kicked in, it is the spring of Hungarians and together we will end the Orbán winter,” he said. “We, Hungarians actually want peace, here at home, and also in the world,” he said. “We really do mean it seriously that there should be peace, freedom and accord.”

Péter Magyar 15 March Budapest
Photo: MTI

Promises of Tisza

He said that if Tisza got into power it would join the European Public Prosecutor’s Office with immediate effect, declare “zero tolerance of all forms of corruption”, establish an independent anti-corruption prosecutor’s office, set up a separate investigative unit within tax and customs authority NAV and double the punishment for corruption-related crimes.

Magyar also vowed that a Tisza government would “restore the independence of the judiciary”, “close the gender pay gap”, restore people’s right to choose their doctor and midwife and “take steps to curb domestic violence”. Tisza would also introduce an exemption from paying personal income tax for those over the age of 65, scrap the VAT on medicines and introduce a SZÉP voucher card for pensioners with an annual top-up of 200,000 forints, he said.

“There’s a cost-of-living crisis today, which requires immediate action,” Magyar said. He vowed that Tisza would address the crisis immediately and “rein in the Orbán inflation”. “We’ll work to bring home the EU funds of which every Hungarian is entitled to 800,000 forints,” he added. He said his party was asking for “a real alliance and a real mandate so that we don’t just have a change of government but a real change of regime”.

Former Armed Forces chief

Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi, the former chief of staff, said the government “doesn’t understand the interests of the Hungarian people or the armed forces“. He insisted that “instead of caring for the Hungarian people, they oppress them and keep them living in fear, and punish anyone whose opinion differs from the truth of the state party”.

Péter Magyar 15 March Budapest
Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi. Photo: MTI

He said recent government measures only served “to hurt morale in the armed forces, which comes close to the notion of treason”. “Improving the living and working conditions of our men and women in uniform is inevitable,” Ruszin-Szendi said. “Even more so because the country’s security and the safety of the people depends on the defence forces.”

Read also:

  • PM Orbán calls for fight against the Empire of Brussels, talks about “Weber minions”
  • 15 March National Day celebrations started, flag raised near Hungarian Parliament, here is what opposition and government politicians said


  1. Democracy is DIALOGUE.
    Tisza’s – INVITATION – with Facts and TRUTH contained as to it’s GOAL – we HUNGARIANS must accept this INVITATION – play our part in the Hungary of the FUTURE.
    Hungarians – we are being INVITED to be likened to a potter commencing a new work, with a FRESH new un-used piece of clay in his hands, that we CAN develop and shape MOULD that piece of CLAY, to form WORKS – we want it to REPRESENT.
    Hungarians – in Tisza’s invitation – let us in MILLIONS, millions – play our MOULDER & Designer “invited” roles – for our FUTURE – the future of Hungary.
    Hungarians – the SLAUGHTERING we have LIVED under, our fellow Hungarians from “all stations in life ” in the millions, the abuse – the lies to us, the Disrespect of us, the SMASHED relationships with country’s in Europe and Globally – the HUMILIATION, the INSULT – of our name – the country of our birth, our ancestry, our History – the RESPECT & Trust of the proud name – Hungary – we HAVE been SAVAGED by this “heinous” led Orban – Fidesz Government.
    (1) – We MUST remain Governed under DEMOCRACY.
    (2) – We must remain in the European Union.
    (3) – We must remain in N.A.T.O.
    The REMOVAL of the name Orban his presence his REPRESENTATION of Hungary, the DESTRUCTION of our name Hungary he has EFFECTED – in the (3) above MUST – the LIST that can FACTUALLY – remembering that Truth is Truth – the list is of gargantuan LENGTH – in the Orban led Fidesz Governments role of our country’s DESTRUCTION, what they as a Government, have delivered us to.
    Hungarians – we are the Potters.
    Hungary – it’s FUTURE is in our HANDS – the invitation is there.
    We live in a time, that just not in Europe but Globally, the name of Victor Mihaly. Orban – is openly referred to RIGHTLY – as the “Judas” of DEMOCRACY.
    It’s “etched” into stone – if you haven’t viewed it – go and read the “message” of the words – go to Hero’s Square find it – stand before it – and in the compiling and lodgement of your completed – by INVITATION – Tisza Party questionnaire – your POTTER role – remember, remember – these ETCHED words in stone in the PLACE that recognizes – Hero’s – individuals throughout time immemorial – who have played roles – in the SHAPING the MOULDING – the coming of eventuality the name of our country – Hungary.

    “Be Mindful of the Blessings that Freedom, which you (Hungary) have Definitively Secured – means for your FUTURE.
    Cherish it and make Good use of your Liberty.”

    It was the 20th August 1991 – these WORDS – in the presence, he Victor Mihaly Orban – his Catholic Baptized Wife – seated in the front row in the VIP area – these WORDS of Wisdom – being FEED to HIM.
    Orban, the turn – his traitorship, from an “Advocate” position, mouthed out from the Podium, in the same Square of Hero’s – 16th June 1989 – to millions of Hungarians, thousands present in Hero’s Square that day, to Europe – out and into the Global World, of Hungary – embracing DEMOCRACY, the past 1945-1989 – we must NEVER return to be Governed as Russia has Governed us – Democracy is the WAY the PATH we must take our FUTURE.

    Solidarity – if we SEEK want CHANGE – this INVITATION of the Tisza Party questionnaire – can DEEPEN our SOLIDARITY – to “play out” – the NEEDED for our country, the FUTURE of Hungary – the DOWNFALL – all that can be “pilled” into the factual and TRUTHFUL reasons, to BRING Down – remove from office, the Orban led Fidesz Party of Hungary.

  2. This guy is so dangerous ,ignore the history of his country and transmit false info to to EPP : Weber does not know as well which event hungary is celebrating to day . Magyar has build a web site : no program at all but a new picture of himself everyday !!!!! completely mad

  3. Peter Magyar has made some great promises for reform and the greatest will be the campaign to root out corruption including joining the EU public prosecutor’s office which will send the Fidesz rats scurrying in all directions. The scandals of uncovering Fidesz theft will be going on for years after their stinking butts are kicked out of office.

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