PHOTO: Orbán and Trump, the saviours of the world

The Tusványos summer university at Baile Tusnad (Tusnádfürdő) in Transylvania, Romania, is regularly the event of the year for the Hungarian right-wing political family where even hardcore Orbán fans show up from many parts of the world. And if somebody likes Orbán, he might as well think that Trump is the other saviour of the world. Just like in this case.
According to a photo taken during the Tusványos summer university and posted on PM Viktor Orbán’s official Facebook site yesterday, at least one participant of the summer university believes former US President Donald Trump and Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán are the saviours of the world. Orbán said about Trump before that provided he had remained president, the war in Ukraine would have not broken out. Here is the post:
The photo on the back of the T-shirt shows Orbán and Trump calling them peacemakers and saviours of the world. The wearer is Ákos Kötcsén Szilágyi, the founder of the civic platform in New York, Blikk wrote. Civic platforms were created by Orbán after the lost 2002 parliamentary elections to expand his party’s membership and gather more supporters establishing a real mass party.
That is not the first time he took on a T-shirts one might feel is provocative. In 2021, for example, he wore one depicting the Hungarian prime minister as the leader of Europe. Click on the post and check out the photo:
The Hungarian prime minister is to hold his speech today around noon at Tusványos. Here is a photo of him writing his speech:
Question for you ? Who selected the new of Ukraine after the ejected president was violently removed – it all on tape ? The same gang been running it ever since.
Trump was impeached by the gang for questioning the millions paid to Biden. They same gang want him put in jail because he is winning in all the poles and billions to Ukraine will end.
What happened when N Korea was shooting rockets threating S Korea and Japan. Trump stepped in and put a end to it and actually went to visit rocket man.
When you have so many of your neighbors dead by corruption an stupidity I would think everything would be done to end it.