PM Orbán: Hungary would pay for the EU integration of the W Balkans, but not for Ukraine’s

The European Union does not need an internal reform to integrate “at least the most prepared south-eastern European countries”, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in Budapest on Friday.
Speaking at the 11th conference of parliamentary speakers of south-eastern Europe in Budapest, Orbán voiced support for a proposal by the European Commission to provide the benefits EU members enjoy to candidates even before they receive full membership.
Orbán also supported that the EU should provide aid to those countries between 2024-27 to boost economic growth. He added that Hungary was ready to contribute extra to the EU budget to that end.
Read also:
- Orbán: EU enlargement must happen – Read more HERE
- Orbán: Current battles with EU not helping Hungary’s development
Actually, Hungary does not “pay” for anything, since it has not been a net contributor to the EU budget ever. That is supposed to occur in the next decade.