PM Orbán on Qatar World Cup: Good when cultures meet
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán arrived in Qatar on Tuesday evening, where he held talks with Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz Al Thani, his Qatari counterpart, the PM’s press chief said.
Orbán will then attend the FIFA World Cup semifinal between Argentina and Croatia at the invitation of the soccer governing body, Bertalan Havasi told MTI.
The prime minister gave interviews to several Qatari news outlets and is scheduled to fly to Brussels on Wednesday night to attend a summit of European Union and ASEAN leaders, Havasi said.
Good when cultures meet
Orbán has praised the idea of cultures meeting and competing “under the same rules of the game in the same sport”.
Orbán told Qatari journalists on Tuesday that the World Cup in Qatar had not only been spectacular but exciting too. Qatar, he added, spent money “to host the whole world”, and he praised the way the event had been organised.
The prime minister noted the significance of the World Cup being held in an Arab country. “If in Rome, do as the Romans do,” he said, and it was good that guests were expected to respect the local customs and way of thinking. This, he added, was important both in the context of football and in terms of obtaining a different outlook on life.
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Source: MTI
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Qatar did and does spend lots of money! As Mr. Orbán said: “If in Rome, do as the Romans do” – s it just about glory by association, or perhaps he brought along a cash donations bag?
Don’t miss the current Netflix FIFA documentary – Qataris explaining their point of view and some insight into sports-washing. Also, let’s see where the unfolding European Union scandal goes:
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Good when cultures meet? Well, except in Hungary where we only want one culture, the culture of Orban! I would love to see his hosts when they hear the disparaging words about people from that part of the world!