PM Orbán: Support for migration equals support for terrorism

Hungary is opposed to terrorism, so it is also opposed to migration, the prime minister said in Brussels on Thursday.
“Those who support migration also support terrorism,” Viktor Orbán said ahead of a two-day European Union summit.
Orbán said he hoped decision-makers in Brussels would also “realise that there is an clear connection between terrorist acts and migration”.
The EU, he said, wanted member states to give more money for migration-related policy and to Ukraine, but Hungary refused to give money to migrants. Neither would it give money to Ukraine unless the request was well-founded, he said, adding that the current proposals lacked professional or political supporting arguments.
“It won’t work giving more money; we will refuse this,” he said.
Asked about the war in Ukraine, Orbán said Hungary had a peace plan and would keep all communication channels open with Russia in hope that it would be accepted.
Hungary, he added, was the only country that stood for peace, which was “in the interest of all Europeans”.
Regarding Israel’s war against Hamas, the prime minister said Hungary supported Israel’s right to self-defence as well as actions aimed at making sure a terrorist attack similar to the one committed on Oct 7 by Hamas “never happens again”. Also, humanitarian aid must get to where it is needed, he added.
Israel and Egypt, Orbán noted, are located in the Mediterranean region, and if either became unstable Europe would be on the receiving end of waves of migration. To avoid this, Israel and Egypt must be stabilised, since the region’s stability was in Europeans’ interests, he said.
Orbán responded to a question about Georgia, saying that hopefully the EU summit would adopt a final communique in support of granting the country candidate status.
Source: MTI
Absolutely. 100%. I don’t know why anyone in their right mind would want to turn Budapest into a Paris, Berlin, London, or even Marseilles or Gothenburg. Many parts of those places are unsafe, night AND day, violent crime is through the roof, anti-Semitism is off the charts, taxes are sky-high to pay for illegal aliens who by and large do not work or contribute anything, many neighborhoods look like something out of the third world, and so forth and so on. That’s what illegal–and often legal, such as “guest workers”–migration from places with a totally alien culture and value brings. And what benefits does it have? Oh yeah, it makes the place “diverse” and, um, “vibrant.” It’s total lunacy that taking every conceivable step to thwart illegal immigration is even open to any debate!
Michael, your streeeeeching it off the charts with this one. Full of misrepresentations, I doubt you have been to any of the cities listed, as your commentary is right off of Fox “news”. I you knew anything about Europe you would know that this is a land of migration for thousands of years, including the Magyars who “migrated” from central Asia, and the Hungarians who migrated and continue to migrate out of Hungary since the first world war. I am sure that wherever you live, your family migrated there from someplace else for economic reasons. Climate will force migration in the years to come, so you should get in your bunker with your family and wait it out, for about 500 years.
And who is behind bringing them here? Israel and America bombing the middle east for decades, sending millions of “refugees” into Europe. Then Israeli and American NGOs fund their arrival into our countries. This is not “migration” this is intentional displacement of European peoples. Never forget who is behind this and for what reason they are coming. They must go back. Maybe Israel and America should take them as refugees since they are responsible for all of this!
The conflation of refugees, asylum seekers, migrants for work, immigrants who just want to live and/or work elsewhere within the confines of the local laws, illegal immigrants is downright annoying.
I actually like Marseille and Berlin, these days. Great urban renewal since “the old days” of the 80s and 90s.
Never felt unsafe in Gothenburg, and I run (exercise) at interesting times (very early or late).
Paris – some areas feel a tad alien, did not get the “scared” feeling, though. More likely to have help from some bystander than when you have an issue with something than when in Nieully-sur-Seine.
London – you would have to tell me where the “bad” areas are, these days. In the 80s / early 90s, we had Brixton, but the whole city was dismal and gray, back then, Bermondsey? Gentrified a lot. Tower Hamlets? Hm. Maybe bit eclectic for some, great shopping for produce, though. And the second generations – if you would only hear them speak, you could not guess their skin color if you tried.
Re Hungary not wanting to part with money “unless we know how it is being used” – I believe this is also one of the issues regarding the European Union remitting funds to us. Oh, irony!
Israel – right to self defense. Absolutely. Right to retrieve the hostages. Yes. However, let’s not forget the caveat “in accordance with international law”?
Paris is my favorite African city, Gabor. You should visit sometime. And I am sure you have heard the good news that the English are now a minority in London? Why don’t you do your part and take some of these 3rd worlders into your home? Or does your bleeding heart only permit others to shoulder the burden? Maybe I can move in too and blame the climate? Don’t make me laugh. This is the result of your suicidal altruism. An entire civilization giving away it’s land and women because the alternative is to be “mean”. This has never happened before in human history, so don’t act like there is any past equivalence. People used to fight and die to protect their homelands, now we just give it away to incompatible strangers for them to take advantage. Like I said, maybe Israel and America should take them since they started all these wars and regime change over non existent WMDs. How many safe countries do these so-called refugees have to pass through in order to reach Europe? Too many.
So this is how Europe dies? An entire civilization willingly giving away it’s land and women because the alternative is to be “mean”.
Zsa Zsa Gabor’s ghost, you have never heard that it was a Hungarian ex-patriot that murdered two Swedes because some people in Sweden burned the Koran. No Hungarian visitor, or ex-pat murdered Catholic priest, committed terrorist acts like Brussel’s airport, Paris or London. There is a difference between migrants. The Hungarians that left in 56 were mostly well educated and law-abiding citizens. In 1967, a survey was performed in Canada. Hungarian immigrants were preferred by employers following British ex-pats. Hungarians were preferred over all other European immigrants as prospective employees.
So let us be realistic, middle eastern illegal migrants and African illegal migrants are mostly uneducated. These countries happily export their criminals who end up serving time in European jails and the large number of unemployables are supported at the expense of hardworking European taxpayers.
No one is entitled to move to a foreign country because they want to be supported by welfare. The illegal migrants, mostly young men, Arab families with several wives should stay home and try to improve conditions in their home countries.
Michael Steiner lives in Europe, particularly in Hungary. His words should be accepted as truth and true appreciation of reality.
No one is giving them anything. They come and work as hard as any Hungarians that came penniless to the U.S. after WW2 and made a life in their cultural enclaves throughout the northeastern U.S. along with the Poles and other eastern Europeans fleeing death and economic issues. I have seen many immigrants here taking the jobs that Hungarians refuse to take because it is “beneath them” the same in the U.S. where crops rot in the fields. The idea that this is new is a complete fabrication. Did the Slavs come here filled with wealth? Did the Magyars come with gold in their pockets? All over the world people want a better life for their families and are willing to work hard to get it. The idea of the immigrant coming with their hand out is a myth. I think the issue is that they often show up the locals with their kindness and hard work ethic and success from those traits.
Ah yes, using the U.S. as a shining example of diversity somehow “working”. What clued you into that, Gabor? The constant race riots? Mass lootings? The rapidly deteriorating city centers? Notice how you only mentioned the European immigrants assimilating into American culture. I wonder why that is? In 1965 America switched it’s immigration from primarily Europe to the 3rd world and it has been declining ever since. Imagine not being able to see their mistake, and even wanting to emulate them as they cirlce the drain. It blows mind mind that people like you exist. We don’t need more “immigrants”, we need more children. A society that cannot maintain itself without importing outsiders is clearly unsustainable. Why are the birth rates so low that we “require” foreigners? There is no way around it. This problem must be fixed directly. Any other half measure (like migration) is just temporary at best, and will only result in the complete replacement of the host population over enough time if the root issue (birth rates) is not fixed. People are not interchangeable, as you seem to believe. They have their own culture, religion, and customs which are at odds with yours. Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world.
Watch nightly news. New York Mayor Adams is at his wits end what to do with illegal migrants. It is costing billions to NY taxpayers. Check out the once famous Rosevelt Hotel, it is a dive. Rooms inhabited by Zsa Zsa’ migrants from Venezuela are high on drugs, alcohol, beat and abuse their wives. They throw food supplied in the trash, leave refuse in their room, definitely do not make their bed or tidy their room. Yet, they have money for drugs and pizza. Mayor Adams even went so far as to print flyers to tell migrants at the border not to come to NY. A pigsty is cleaner than rooms inhabited by the Venezuelan males.
Similarly, the people of Chicago, Illinois feel the same as the people of NY. People of Chicago object to the mayor’s spending money on illegals instead of improving the lives of the citizens. Interestingly, people in the US are up in arms, they do not want any of these illegal, uneducated people near the schools and their children. The Venezuelans continually vote and voted for communists/socialists. When their country was ruined by this government system, they are escaping to the US.
Countless Mexicans were arrested for pedophilia. These criminals are and were deported. However, due to an open border and thriving smuggler industry the pedophiliacs keep sneaking into the country. Countless Mexican males were charged and convicted of murder of innocent Americans.
Then there is MS13 gang members from Central America. In order to be a member, a prospective member must murder someone.
Not all Mexicans are criminals, not all Venezuelans totally useless but unless migrants are checked before entry, many illegal entries end in disaster for the local population.
Europe is another story. Muslim majority immigrants are threatening Europe’s Jewish population. Large % of the 2015 migrants are unemployed, unassimilated welfare cases.
Hungary is going about importing foreigners the right way. They are called guest workers. These workers are checked for criminal background and qualification. These workers are well treated, paid the same as a Hungarian employee and work just as hard. The guest workers are given a 2-year contract and are expected to return home at the expiration of the contract. Hungarians will not be stuck supporting them ad infinitum.
So, Zsa Zsa, you are right about guest workers but if you ever seriously studied the migration your conclusion should be multiculturalism does not work, many illegal migrants import their hate and threaten the native population, most middle eastern migrants cannot assimilate, several countries empty their jails and send the criminals abroad and not all uneducated illegal migrants/refugees can or want to enter the labor force and become productive citizens.
Mariavonteresa: Stop pretending that we have a pure bloodline that is free of horrible criminal behavior, you look stupid. We too sent our worst out into the world in bursts of immigration.
Hungarians convicted of war crimes:
István Antal
László Baky
László Bárdossy
Károly Beregfy
Béla Biszku
László Budinszky
László Deák
László Endre
Ákos Farkas
László Ferenczy
József Gera
József Grassy
Iván Héjjas
Vilmos Hellebronth
Bálint Hóman
Andor Jaross
Gábor Kemény (politician, 1910–1946)
András Kun
Lajos Méhelÿ
Jenő Rátz
Lajos Reményi-Schneller
Ferenc Szálasi
Ferenc Szombathelyi
Döme Sztójay
Zoltán Szügyi
András Tasnádi Nagy
Tibor Tollas
Gábor Vajna
Henrik Werth
No one said that you have pure blood line. 29 criminals are a drop in the bucket. If you live in Hungary, you are extremely lucky because you have not been molested or raped by an unwashed illegal migrant. You are able to go anywhere in Hungary because there are no “no go zones. Try living in San Francisco or New York. Why are you so adamant to support illegal migrants. Illegal migrants are criminals. These people can or could apply to entry into any country simply by filling out the required forms. Why do the illegal migrants do not want to fill out the forms, because they would not qualify for entry. In any case they rather pay smugglers.
There was an article in the US newspapers that there was a gun fight on the Hungarian/Serbian border and 3 people were murdered. That is almost 1/10th on one day of the list of Hungarian criminals. Remove your rose-colored glasses, do not support forcing hardworking Hungarians to support unwanted, uneducated of the world.