Radical growing: registered coronavirus infections up by 292 in Hungary
The number of registered coronavirus infections in Hungary has risen by 292 to 5,961 over the past 24 hours, koronavirus.gov.hu said on Sunday morning.
The number of fatalities remained unchanged at 614, and 3,759 people have made a recovery.
There are 1,588 active infections and 90 coronavirus patients are being treated in hospital for Covid-19, 7 on ventilators.
Fully 8,633 people are in official quarantine and 424,270 tests have been carried out.
The site warned Hungarians to observe social distancing guidelines and hygiene regulations.
The government has decided to close borders to foreigners starting on September 1, re-introducing border protection measures in force during the first wave of the epidemic.
Under the decision Hungarians returning from abroad will have to self-quarantine for 14 days, or until they produce two negative tests taken two days apart, said the site.
Most infections have been registered in Budapest (2,603), followed by Pest County (854) and the counties of Fejér (429), Komarom-Esztergom (328) and Zala (283). Békés County has the fewest infections (22).
Latest count of confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide
The following are the latest updates on the COVID-19 global confirmed cases in hardest-hit countries by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University at 0500 GMT, Aug. 30.
Country Confirmed Cases
World 24,996,456
U.S. 5,961,094
Brazil 3,846,153
India 3,542,733
Russia 982,573
Peru 629,961
South Africa 622,551
Colombia 599,884
Mexico 591,712
Spain 439,286
Source: MTI/Xinhua
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Seeing as how people were cavorting around the Balaton and ignoring social distancing, masks and hygiene advice, this rise in cases was entirely predictable.
425 000 tests in six months roughly what some countries perform in less than a week.
I guess this explains the relatively low number of registered covid cases in Hungary. Since 80 % of infections are without symptoms, more tests means more positive, less tests less positive.
Orban’s covid ” success story ” is just propaganda.
The expected result of cramming 33,000 people per sq km around Balaton to the point of overflowing and allowing “people” back into football stadiums…
Oh my god. This is very very suspicious. How come during the whole summer, the cases were rising by 3 or 4 per day, and now, the end of the season, suddenly went up by 1000 percent. Is evident they didn’t inform the real numbers due to business matters. Imagine if the government had to impose this border closing during summer, the tourism industry would be even worst damaged and besides they couldn’t control the people going out due to the weather. It would be very anti popular measures for the government. This shows how manipulated the covide19 numbers are.