Second wave of Hungarian coronavirus epidemic getting closer with allergy season

The number of coronavirus cases is on the rise in many European countries. Hungarian experts also stated that the nation is getting closer and closer to the epidemic’s second wave. On top of that, every August, the allergy season starts as well.

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444 reported that the symptoms of the coronavirus are hard to notice when someone has an allergy. Sneezing and runny nose, the most common ingredients of allergy, are the signs when someone should see a doctor. Asthma and heavy breathing are also facts only to be noticed when someone has an allergy. Common coronavirus symptoms are muscle pain, fever, pressure on the chest and sore throat.

If someone should feel the symptoms of the coronavirus staying at home is the best protection.

Allergy season does not stop the coronavirus. Napi reported that, for now, the best protection if someone seems to feel the signs of the infection is staying at home. Although if Hungarians do not stick to the rules, the government will not be stopped to introduce restrictions again. It has been reported that the increase of positive cases could happen because of irresponsible citizens who felt the symptoms but still visited family occasions, parties and went out on the streets. 

Wearing masks at indoor places, public vehicles and shops is still mandatory!

The first wave has been successfully stopped due to the government’s restrictions, the responsibility and caring attitude of Hungarian citizens and the avoiding of travelling abroad. Wearing a mask and not going into public when someone feels ill are — for now — the only methods to prevent the second wave.


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