Separated Siamese twins said goodbye with a Hungarian nursery rhyme
Still, there are several challenges ahead, but the final separation surgery was successful.
It was revealed one and a half years ago that a three-member Hungarian medical team undertakes the separation of the Siamese twins from Bangladesh. After the last thirty-hour-long separation surgery in August, both of the little girls woke up, but they were still not in stable condition.
As the Hungarian news portal Borsonline describes, the girls’ parents are always by their side – the mother is constantly talking to her daughters. She is a strong, smart, and educated woman who has never broken down during this hard period. She stays strong, keeps struggling and praying, just like Hungarian doctors.
The head of the operating team, Doctor Csókay, repeatedly asked people to pray. “It was touching to see that recently in Bangladesh – before and after the separation – Christian and Muslim doctors prayed together hand in hand…”
“Great professional care, knowledge, and preparedness are essential in such a huge operation, but our faith in God is also needed.”
“…In the last one and a half years, I made anatomical practices more than 300 times in the early morning; it was such an important part of my day, just like prayer,” said Csókay to the journal Best.
Valéria Alexandra Sándor, Communication Manager of the foundation “Action for the Vulnerable” (Cselekvés a Kiszolgáltatottakért Alapítvány), said that she has become attached to the little girls during their stay in Budapest. 44 plastic surgeries were carried out here, led by Dr Gergely Pataki plastic surgeon. She added that it was difficult to say goodbye to the family; moreover, the little girls even learned a Hungarian song. They said goodbye smiling and singing the famous Hungarian nursery rhyme “Boci, boci tarka.”
Rabia – thirty hours after the surgery – asked her mother to take her in her lap; and since then, she speaks in complete sentences. 19 days after the operation, Rukia also opened her eyes.