Skeleton-barrel With A Shaman Drum Will Be The Hungarian Pavilion At The Expo in Milan

The Hungarian pavilion of the Milanese universal expo will be 1910 square meters and will have about 3000 square meters usable area.

According to, the two shaman drums at the two ends of the building refer to the ancient roots, the mythic relation of human and nature while the middle could represent a barrel symbolizing abundance or simply the ark of Noah, with the roof garden standing for the kaleidoscope of wildlife- says the introduction of the plan.

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The overreaching ribs or staves of the roof garden can even be parts of a gigantic skeleton, but they also represent openness to above, turning to the sunlight or the petals surrounding the “essence”- added the architects.

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MTI said, the Hungarian government will spend a total 4.7 billion forints on the pavilion representing the country at the 2015 World Expo in Milan, Geza Szocs, government commissioner in charge of the project.

based on article of, MTI
by Oliver Tamasi

Photo: MTI – Carpathia


One comment

  1. Az építész szakma jelentős része elutasítja ezt a koncepciót, hogy reprezentálja az építészeti értékeinket a világnak.
    Most of the hungarian architects refuses this concept to represent our architectural values for the world.
    Itt elérhető:

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