Slovakians are moving to Hungary in great numbers 

In the past 8 years since there’s an open border between Hungary and Slovakia, approximately 5000 people have moved from Bratislava, Slovakia, to Hungarian border cities. Most of them, around 2500, are living in Rajka, but there are Slovakians even in Mecsér, writes

4500 people are living in Rajka, and most of them – about 2500 – have moved there in the last couple of years, mainly from the Bratislava region.

At least 1000 of them speaks Hungarian as a mother tongue, and out of the 2500 Slovakians at least 1500 have Hungarian ancestors. Currently there are 149 students at the primary school of Rajka, and only one of them is Slovakian, but, 1/3 of the 69 children in the nurseries and kindergartens are Slovakians.

About 70-80 Slovakian families are living in Hegyeshalom, and about 250 people have moved to Bezenye. According to the 2005 census, there were only 4 Slovakians in Mosonmagyaróvár, and this number jumped to 416 in 2015. The biggest increase took place in 2010, when the number of Slovakians rose from 52 to 208. The actual number actually should be around 1000, as most of the Slovakians do not register themselves at the authorities.

Rajka hosts around 2500 Slovakians, most of them moved there in the last couple of years. Dunakilitin authorities are currently revising the house numbers, which might help in getting the exact number of Slovakians. The estimated number is 450. Levél also has a small Slovakian population, about 70 families, meaning around 150 people.

It cannot be stated that only border villages are hosting smaller or larger Slovakian communities: settlements like Arak or Mecsér, which are a little further from the border, are also popular destinations. Zoltán Csaplár, mayor of Mecsér said that some of the permanent residents, who have moved to the village a couple of years ago, are working in Austria, and they are commuting daily between their home and their workplace.

based on an article of

Copy editor: bm



  1. Maybe it’s because they are tired of being treated like foreigners in their own country. There was never a Slovakia and the Treaty of Trianon is illegal but Hungary doesn’t have the cojones to bring it up. The Slovaks have stolen a Hungarian folksong to use as their anthem, their flag is Hungarian except there is blue instead of green and they are xenophobes. Their leaders all have Hungarian ancestors but won’t admit it. If they want to come to Hungary, come, just make sure you remember who your people are – HUNGARIANS and that the “country” you come from was Hungary and should technically still be….

  2. So, let me clarify this. The house prices and land prices are by 35 % cheaper in Hungary and the salaries are Higher in Slovakia ( easy to check in Eurostat for example or Google it). It is convenient to buy a house which is within 20 minutes of commute to Bratislava. This has nothing to do with national or social matter, our relationships with Hungary is neutral, just the conditions are better in SK. If you do the math, you will see that these actions are based on pure economical reasons, the co-living with Hungary is good.

    the Rent per month between in Budapest compared to Bratislava -35.12 %
    Average disposable salary after tax Bratislava 856.81 €
    Budapest 555.96 € -35,11 %

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