Heart-breaking story! 29-years-old woman dies from Covid-19 after giving birth

A 29-years-old woman from the Western part of Hungary gave premature birth with Caesarean section and died two weeks after from Covid-19.

The 29-years-old woman, Adrienn and her husband got married three years ago, Bors Online reports. They were happily planning their future together until the coronavirus tragically tore them apart. After Adrienn was taken to the hospital with a high-risk pregnancy, her husband visited her every single day. As we reported earlier, coronavirus complications can also lead to miscarriage or premature birth. They were hoping that everything will be all right after these difficult times and were expecting the baby in January.

After Adrienn has been in the hospital for two months, she started to feel worse and worse and was developing suspicious symptoms, so she got tested for Covid-19. It is unclear how she got infected, but she did test positive, and she soon was in a critical condition.

The doctors said the only way to save the baby was to apply Caesarean section immediately. Even though the operation was successful, Adrienn did not get better and had to be put on a ventilator. The doctors were fighting for her life, but the 29-years-old woman died after two weeks.

The baby was born with 1300 grams, in the 31st week of pregnancy and was placed in an incubator. Hopefully, the dad, Róbert, who is now suddenly left alone with his son, can take him home in January. Still, in this unexpected situation, he first needs to adjust and create a suitable environment before he can do so. Even though he has a well-paying job, he is not sure when will he be able to go back to work, so they are trying to find a possibility where a close relative stays home with the baby instead of him.

To make things even worse, the woman’s birthday was coming not long after her death. “My dear honey bunny. You would turn thirty-years-old today… Unfortunately, you are not able to see this wonderful boy that you gave me, but I promise to be the best dad that I can be, and do everything the way we would have done it together. We will always remember you. We love you. Take care of us from up there.” – shared the husband after the tragedy on his social media.

Source: Bors Online

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