Heads up! Store closures in Hungary on 20 August: Major retailers Aldi, Lidl, Tesco, and where to shop

This year, 20 August falls on a Tuesday, and as it’s a national holiday in Hungary, most shops will be closed. Here’s a summary of the opening hours for major chains like Aldi, Auchan, CBA, Lidl, Spar, and Tesco, as well as pharmacies, gas stations, and smaller stores for both Monday and Tuesday.

Since 20 August is a holiday, and the preceding Monday is a compensatory day off (already made up for earlier in August), the long weekend brings adjustments to store hours across the country.

aldi store shopping 1 may
Aldi. Photo: depositphotos.com

Most large retail chains will remain closed on 20 August, Pénzcentrum reports. However, exceptions include smaller convenience stores located at gas stations and those operating 24/7, as well as some smaller chain stores. Here’s a breakdown of the opening hours for key chains:

  • Aldi: Stores will be closed on Tuesday, 20 August, and will reopen on Wednesday, 21 August, with their usual hours.
  • Auchan: Similarly, Auchan stores will close on Tuesday and resume regular operations on Wednesday.
  • CBA: CBA stores will follow the same pattern, being closed on Tuesday and returning to normal hours on Wednesday.
  • Lidl: Lidl stores will not open on Tuesday, 20 August, but will operate as usual starting Wednesday.
  • Penny: Penny stores will close on Tuesday and reopen as per their standard schedule on Wednesday.
  • Spar and INTERSPAR: All Spar and INTERSPAR stores will also be closed on 20 August but will be back to regular hours on 21 August. However, Spar Express locations at OMV gas stations will remain open during the holiday.
  • Metro: Metro stores will observe the holiday by closing on 20 August, reopening on 21 August with their normal hours.
  • Tesco: Tesco stores will be closed on Tuesday, except for those located within Shell gas stations, which will stay open. Normal hours will resume on Wednesday, 21 August.

For pharmacies, most will be closed on 20 August, so it’s important for those in need of medication to plan ahead. Emergency pharmacies will still operate, and their locations can be found through the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition’s search tool.

As for gas stations, convenience stores at gas stations will remain open. In Budapest, 24-hour shops like Roni and Manna will also continue operating. The opening hours for privately owned small stores will vary based on the owner’s decision, so customers should check with individual stores.

Overall, with many stores closing for the holiday, planning ahead is essential for those needing to shop or purchase medications.

Read also:

Featured image: depositphotos.com


One comment

  1. WRONGFUL – Rediculous, and from the Orban – Fidesz Government, “bull shiting” us, that we are a country of COHENSION.
    This article is an “11th Hour” publication, that SHOULD have in the REAL” World, been PUBLISHED exposed COMMUNICATED to ALL Hungarians by last Friday 16th August 2024 – at LATEST.
    Its like being reported :
    “Russian troops we know, ground forces are on there way, to our Nations Capital, being sighted in Balaton.
    We think they are heading to Budapest”.
    Then the next report reads :
    “Russian troops have ascended and captured ALL in there ASSULT that now includes Castle Hill and SURGE on we THINK – throughout our Nations Capital.
    We think they want to invade take greater or all of Hungary.
    Plan ahead Hungarians”.
    Articles published in this “past tense” format, through ABSOLUTE lack of COHESION – LAUGHABLE.
    Hungarians, we just continuously DISPLAY – that FACTUALLY – we couldn’t organize a ROOT in a Brothel.
    Orban – the FIDESZ Government – there crap PROPAGANDA that we are a Nation, a country that operates strictly to being a COHESION – in population.

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