Survey: Sense of job security improves in Hungary
Fully 62 percent of Hungarian employees are confident of 5-plus years of job security, according to a recent survey. A year ago, 55 percent were similarly assured.
The relevant index rose to 80 points from 74 points a year earlier, while the measure of finding a new job went up to 60 points from 58 points, BNP Paribas Cardif and polling company Medián said on Thursday.
The labour market stability index fell by 2 points from the previous quarter to 68 points, according to the survey carried out in June.
Meanwhile, employees were less keen to keep their jobs, with this measure dropping 2 points to 56 points.
The share of employees willing to work more for the same pay fell to 46 percent from 56 percent.
Source: MTI
I like the ironic humour, intentional or not, of talking about job security and using a photo of someone working at height on a bell tower without his safety harness being attached to anything.