Council of Europe


Christian Democrats call on PACE to protect rights of Transcarpathia Hungarians

#Ukraine #Hungary #Transcarpathia #Kárpátalja #PACE #rights #minority

Council of Europe calls on Hungarian president to send law on admin courts back to parliament – UPDATE

Under that law, the justice minister would have a strong influence over the courts

CoE anti-torture committee calls on Hungary to review transit zone rules

The #committee recommended that the #Hungarian #authorities end the #practice of sending #migrants back across the #border

EC launches infringement procedure against Hungary over ‘Stop Soros’ laws

The Hungarian parliament passed the contested laws in June, aimed at penalising the "promotion or organisation of illegal migration" #hungary #eu #europeancommision #ec #hungarian

V4 notched up big success at the EU summit, says Hungarian FM

Around 30-35 million people in #North #Africa and the #Middle #East can decide at any time to make their way to Europe - #Hungary's foreign minister #migration #hungarian #government #v4 #visegrad #group

EU Council recommends Hungary to correct deviation from fiscal deficit

#EU #Council issued a recommendation on measures to correct a significant budgetary deviation in #Hungary Details:

Orbán: Authorities have everything needed to protect Hungary – Interview

If #Hungary faced an armed threat today, its military would only have a limited capability to counter it - PM #Orbán #hungarian #economy #migration #eu #v4

Foriegn minister calls on Council of Europe to take issue of protecting European minorities seriously

"One of Europe's most important #values is protecting #minority #rights and the Council of Europe should take this seriously"

Bulgaria’s migration proposal ‘alarming’, says Hungarian FM

#New #migration #route is taking shape in the #Western #Balkans passing through #Albania and #Bosnia-#Herzegovina" - #Hungary's foreign minister Szijjártó

Hungary to veto EU-Africa summit agreement

The disappointment in #Hungary is growing in the #EU #Hungarian #European #Africa #migration #illegal #policy

Restrictions on NGOs involved in migration ‘problematic’, says CoE human rights commissioner

The problem is that the Hungarian government handles every arrival as illegal - Muiznieks #hungary #hungarian #government #soros #migration #ngos #councilofeurope

Fidesz: ‘Stop Soros’ bill is already under attack

#CouncilofEurope's human #rights commissioner Nils Muiznieks commented on the restrictions of the bill package on #NGOs #Hungary #Hungarian #Soros

Tusk awarded honorary doctor’s title by Pécs University

Congratulations! The President of the #European #Council, #Donald #Tusk, was awarded in #Hungary

Hungary is working on a solution to the Ukraine education law

The Hungarian leaders and MPs have turned to several EU member states for support

Protecting minorities ‘enriches’ Europe

It is important to allow minorities to use their mother tongue

Council of Europe report: Hungarian measures raise serious concerns

#Hungary faced enormous challenges after the massive arrivals of #migrants and #refugees during 2015 and 2016 but...

Hungarian official discusses Ukraine education law with CoE SecGen

"The Council of Europe must make a firm stand for the protection of minority language education"

Council of Europe shares Hungary’s concerns about Ukraine education law

The law "seems to provide less favourable conditions for minority language education in Ukraine." - Thorbjorn Jagland, CoE Secretary-General

Government press briefing: Pensioners to receive bonus in November

"The European Union's mandatory migrant quota has failed"

Quota scheme alone won’t resolve migrant crisis, says German lawmaker

The German economy could not handle an "unlimited inflow" of people - Tobias Zech