

Secretary of State: “Pope Francis spoke about race like Orbán”

Zoltán Kovács, State Secretary for International Communications, has said that Pope Francis used the term "race" in the same sense as Orbán. #hungary #dailynewshungary #orbán #popefrancis #race

Hungarian opposition calls for special parliament session over ‘cost-of-living crisis’

Hungarian opposition propose VAT cuts, a public transport "climate pass"

Washington Post: Orbán has become role model for America’s right-wing populists

The FIDESZ president addresses the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas, USA. #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary #USA #ViktorOrbán

Fidesz MEP: Verhofstadt letter on Hungary ‘anti-Hungarian, racist’

Liberal MEP Guy Verhofstadt wrote a letter to Roberta Metsola, EP President, calling for an extraordinary session to condemn #Orbán's racist speech in Baile Tusnad. #hungary #dailynewshungary #europeanparliament

Hungarian ruling party Fidesz’s support has plummeted

Fidesz's popularity has fallen by 12 percentage points due to the events of recent weeks. #hungary #dailynewshungary #fidesz #poll

Is the Hungarian government profiteering from the VAT on utility bills?

István Újhelyi, opposition politician, says the Hungarian government does not defend the reduction in the VAT on utility bills... #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary #tax #energy

Fidesz: Sanctioning energy imports ‘ill-advised’

"In such difficult times Europe's political unity must be maintained," #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary #Fidesz

Hungarian parliament passes reforms on party group financing, asset declaration

In future, deputies will not be required to indicate real properties, valuable possessions, or savings, only revenues and holdings! #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary

Parliament passes 2023 budget

The government aims to maintain stability, further improve balance indicators, and maintain a disciplined fiscal policy. #Hungary #DailyNewsHungary #economy

PM Orbán calls meeting on energy emergency, utility caps protection

The goal is to discuss the energy emergency in the country and protection of the government's utility caps. #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary

Opposition: Orbán lied about everything during the campaign

Hungary's opposition parties on Friday criticised Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's recent comments on jobs and the changes to household utility price caps and the small business tax, saying he had "admitted" that the government was "incapable of protecting families". #Hungary #Hungarian #dailynewshungary #ViktorOrbán #opposition #criticism #LMP #MomentumMovement #Socialists #DemocraticCoalition

Hungarian Justice min: Hungary provides ‘straightforward answers’ to rule of law concerns

The Hungarian government has received the European Commission's latest annual report #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary #EU #LIBE

Fidesz MEP: EP report condemning Hungary ‘a lie’

The LIBE report also said there were concerns over the rights of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in Hungary. #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary #LIBE

Is inflation in Hungary caused by the war?

Inflation in Hungary is at its highest level in 15-20 years. #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary #inflation

Local governments and NGOs to receive the EU funds in Hungary?

The European Parliament adopted a resolution on Thursday, calling on member states to cooperate in preventing fraud harming the EU budget #Hungary #Hungarian #EUbudget #bufget #EU #EuropeanUnion #localgovernment #NGO #government #Fidesz #EuropeanParliament

Fidesz: Tying recovery funds to global minimum tax ‘unlawful’

"It is incorrect and unlawful by Brussels to tie the transfer of recovery funds due to Hungary to the approval of the global minimum tax." #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary

Orbán: ‘We can prolong good years in Hungary’s agricultural sector by working together’

"Cooperation with the EU also influenced Hungary's economy" #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary #agriculture #Fidesz #ViktorOrbán

Fidesz MEPs welcome EP decision to uphold limited qualification of gas, nuclear energy as sustainable

Fidesz MEPs welcomed the EP's decision to uphold the EC's amendment to its taxonomy regulation, ensuring that certain uses of natural gas and nuclear energy could be qualified as sustainable. #hungary #dailynewshungary #naturalgas #sustainability #gas #nuclearenergy #fidesz #eu

Fidesz MEP: grant Bosnia-Herzegovina EU candidate member status ‘now’

Fidesz MEP Balázs Hidvéghi urged that the European Union should grant Bosnia-Herzegovina candidate member status "now". #hungary #dailynewshungary #fidesz #eu #europeanunion #europeanparliament #bosniaherzegovina

Hungary to set up independent border control force

It is high time Hungary set up an idependent force to control its borders, the group leader of ruling Fidesz said on Saturday #Hungary #Hungarian #police #border #bordercontrol #dailynewshungary #Fidesz #MátéKocsis